Project "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Dissemination of the European Experience»
("Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience")
under the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union directed by Jean Monnet
The main idea of the project is that the dissemination of experience of the best European practices in logistics and supply chain management can form adequate logistics thinking, logistics awareness and logistics behavior. The implementation of European experience and practices in the field of logistics and supply chain management will provide an opportunity to improve the logistics system of the country, and accordingly contribute to increasing the transit potential of Europe.
The project duraction: 09/28/2019 - 09/27/2022.
Project objectives:
→ Dissemination of European experience in implementing the best logistics practices.
→ Providing the target audience with professional knowledge on the European practices of supply chains management.
→ Promoting a European approach to provide the integration of science, business and authorities.
The target audience of the project is:
1. students of LPNU of all specialties, І, ІІ and III levels of higher education;
2. middle and high school pupils of Lviv;
3. practices from among: entrepreneurs and managers of all levels of management, representatives of authority structures.
Achievement of the goals is planned due to the introduction of the new course "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: dissemination of European experience" for students of the first (Bachelor) level of higher education of all specialties of Lviv Polytechnic National University, holding an international scientific and practical conference, student scientific and technical conferences, organization of Logistic Days, Summer Schools, excursions and other activities.
The implementation of this project will stimulate interest in the dissemination of the best European practices and the popularization of European values, will contribute to innovations in education and scientific research, and will increase the awareness of a wide audience on EU issues.
It is expected that the implementation of this project will allow:
- to increase the interest and competence of domestic business in the implementation of European standards of management and logistics;
- to improve the prospects of future graduates' career by acquiring knowledge and skills in implementing the best European logistics practices;
- pupils of school more thoroughly and consciously choose a future profession, so that higher education institutions in the future will be able to get conscious, oriented on the progressive European principles students;
- to form adequate logistic thinking, logistic awareness and logistics behavior in the broader segments of civil society through dissemination of information about the values and European experience in implementing the best logistics practices.
The project team invites everyone who is interested in creating an efficient logistics infrastructure and implementing the best European practices in logistics and supply chain management to participate in the project