International activity

The Department of Marketing and Logistics is actively working on the development of cooperation with foreign universities and international enterprises. Every year students and teachers of the department participate in grant projects, academic exchanges, international summer schools and strengthen their knowledge thanks to comprehensive international experience.


International educational activity

Teachers and students of the department actively participate in international educational projects/internships, in particular under the Erasmus+ program. In 2021/2022, students and teachers of the department as part of international grant projects has visited Poznan University of Technology (Poznan, Poland), Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (Lublin, Poland), OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Lemgo, Germany), Vilnius University (Lithuania).

Every year, the best master students of the department in the specialties "Marketing" and "Logistics" study under the double diploma degree programs at the partner university in Poland - AGH University of Science and Technology (Krakow). In addition, master students of the department have the opportunity to study under the new program of double diploma degree at the Poznań University of Technology (Poznań).

Foreign students also study at the department at the Bachelor's and Master's levels.


During September 2019-September 2022 the project “Logistics and Supply Chain Management: dissemination of European experience” is being implemented at the Department of ML within the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module program (610856-EPP-1-2019-1-UAEPPJMO-MODULE).

Project goals:

• dissemination of European experience of implementation of the best logistics practices.

• providing the target audience with professional knowledge on the European practice of supply chain management.

• promoting the European approach to ensuring the integration of science, business and government.

During the implementation of the project associate professors from project team conducted classes of the discipline "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience" for students from different specialties. Various events were also held, in particular: every year – Supply Chain Day, every year - a section with students thesis at the scientific and practical conference, the thematic Summer Schools were held twice, an international scientific and practical conference - in 2020, several excursions for pupils and students at the enterprises that shared their experience of the best European practices.


The international scientific activity of the Department of Marketing and Logistics includes:

  • international scientific internships of teachers
  • international conferences
  • visits of foreign scientists and leading experts 
  • scientific publications in leading international journals
  • annual summer schools for students of the Department and Institute
  • international competitions and conferences.
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