
For the evaluation of project proposals submitted Horizon 2020 calls the European Commission invites experts among scientists and highly skilled professionals from different fields around the world.

Experts assist, in particular, in the:

  • independent expert evaluation of project proposals;
  • monitoring of the implementation of ongoing projects;
  • evaluation of programmes on research and innovations.

Evaluation of project proposals is carried out at the meetings, which last up to 15 days. Depending on the type of work, the expert can perform evaluation in the country of permanent residence/stay or in one of the offices of the European Commission in Brussels or Luxembourg.

Payment for experts is 450 euros per day (full-time).Travel- and daily allowance are compensated.

To become an expert you have to register on Participant Portal:

The deadline for registration — during the durability of Horizon 2020 programme.

Registration does not guarantee automatic appointment of an expert. European Commission selects, according to which the participants will receive appropriate message.

Оновлено 4 years 7 months тому