This year the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies at Lviv Polytechnic celebrates its 70th anniversary. The II International Scientific and Practical Conference on Chemical Technology and Engineering-2019, which took place from June 24 to 28, was dedicated to this jubilee.
The conference was organized together with Polish colleagues from Rzeszow University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the New Chemical Synthesis Institute. This year the Ukrainian Association of Chemical and Food Engineering also joined the organization.
The conference participants presented both theoretical and practical developments. Some of them have already been used in science and industry and others have a chance for it, as, for example, colleagues from Poland presented the results of researches that are planned to be implemented in the medical sector.
The materials of the conference participants have already been published in the thematic electronic collection, which features more than four hundred pages.