Young people on the way to leadership: opening of the Leadership School at Lviv Polytechnic’s Tech StartUp School

Sviatoslav Ivanio, Lviv Polytechnic Centre for Communication
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On 6 February 2025, Tech StartUp School opened the Leadership School. This School is run for students aged 15–18 on the basis of the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, the Institute of Public Administration, Governance and Professional Development, Lviv Polytechnic National University.

In his welcome speech, Nazar Podolchak, Head of the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, the Institute of Public Administration, Governance and Professional Development, Lviv Polytechnic, stressed that everyone present is a future leader with unique abilities. The School’s task is to help identify strengths, direct them in the right direction and use them as tools for personal and professional growth. A leader is someone who purposefully unlocks his or her potential (from natural talents to professional skills) and changes the environment around them for the better.

The moderator of the event, Nataliia Tsyhylyk, presented the benefits of studying at Lviv Polytechnic, in particular, at the Department of Administrative and Financial Management. The Associate Professor emphasised that Lviv Polytechnic is one of the top five Ukrainian universities in Ukraine and is among the best universities in the world.

As part of the event, Nazar Podolchak delivered a lecture on «Being a Leader is Easy!» After the lecture, the teachers and lecturers shared their thoughts on whether it is easy to be a leader. Some of the key thoughts that were shared were: «If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with a team», «It’s easy to be a leader if you decide to be one», «A manager is not always a leader, and a leader is not always a manager», «Don’t be afraid to be a leader», «A good team is the key to success», «If you want to achieve something, nothing is impossible» and many others. The lively discussion, in which all those present had the opportunity to express their opinions, was very thought-provoking.

A total of 167 participants from 10 regions of Ukraine and the city of Kyiv registered for the Leadership School. Memorandums of Cooperation were signed with Gymnasiums No. 1 and No. 2 of Sheptytska City Council, Lviv School No. 27 and Melnychne Gymnasium.

Meetings will be held once a week in an online format. The duration of the lesson is 1 hour after school, after 16:00. The course lasts for 3 months, and each participant will receive a certificate upon completion (subject to 90% attendance). The Leadership School will be taught by faculty of the Department of Administrative and Financial Management.

The main goal of the project is to motivate young people to take on leadership roles and show them the benefits of studying at Lviv Polytechnic National University. The focus of the training will be on the practical component, which will allow students to apply the knowledge they have gained in everyday life.

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