On May 29, 2023, the official opening of the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project European integration of Ukraine – Historical aspects (101085299 – EuApp – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH- RSCH) took place at Lviv Polytechnic National University.
The goal of the project is to form a deep understanding of the essence of the integration processes in Europe, the peculiarities, organizational and legal foundations of the European Union, and the peculiarities of the European integration policy of Ukraine in this area.
In his report, Andrii Nahirniak, a coordinator of the project, Associate Professor at the Department of History, Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage, Lviv Polytechnic, spoke about the importance and relevance of the implementation of the project thanks to the program of the European Union, as well as about the prospects of Ukraine. In particular, he emphasized that for Ukraine, European integration is a way to modernize the economy, overcome technological backwardness, attract foreign investments and new technologies, create new jobs, increase the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers, and enter world markets, especially the EU market.
It was noted that in the field of higher education, it is extremely important to raise awareness in the process of European integration, which is especially interesting from a historical perspective. Also the involvement of students of various specialties in the project, which is relevant for all fields of education, is important for the development of international cooperation and interaction.
Oksana Brodiak, a member of the project group, noted that the key necessity of this project is the insufficient self-awareness of young people as citizens of Europe and understanding of European values, as well as the need to involve young people in the discussion about the integration of Ukraine into the European space. Ukraine has to harmonize and bring its socio-economic institutions closer to EU standards and bring them into line with European requirements.
Since students from different regions of Ukraine study at Lviv Polytechnic National University, the project is not only of regional importance.
Also, those present were introduced to the main goals and tasks of the project.