Polytechnicians organize the event «Erasmus+ learning mobility and its significance for the development of European studies in Ukraine»

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On April 11, 2023, an interactive event «Erasmus+ learning mobility and its significance for the development of European studies in Ukraine» was held within the framework of the project "European studies for technical specialties at Lviv Polytechnic National University (EUSTS)” and with the support of the EU Erasmus+ program, Jean Monnet. The event was jointly organized by the Educational and Scientific Center «European Studies for Technical Specialties of Lviv Polytechnic National University» and the University Center for International Education.

During the first theoretical panel-discussion, sharing their experience from the implementation of Erasmus+ learning mobility programme Yaryna Turchyn, head of the EUSTS project, made the speech on «The importance of Erasmus+ learning mobility programme for the professional development of an academic»; Lesia Brych, coordinator of learning mobility under the Erasmus+ KA1 program of Lviv Polytechnic, spoke about «Peculiarities of the Erasmus+ learning mobility programme at Lviv Polytechnic National University»; Oksana Hodovanska, senior researcher at the Department of Social Anthropology, the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, senior lecturer at the Department of History, Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage, the Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences, made the speech on «Academic experience of staying at Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy»; and Solomiia Hevko and Sofiia Kishchak, students majoring in «Social Communication and Information Activities» at Lviv Polytechnic, participants of the Erasmus+ academic exchange program at the Pontifical University of Salamanca in Spain, spoke about «Peculiarities and additional advantages of studying under the Erasmus+ exchange programs».

The key topic for discussion was the importance of Erasmus+ learning mobility programme for the professional development of academics, as well as improving the quality of the educational process in higher education institutions of Ukraine. Thus, to strengthen cooperation between universities at the level of administration, faculties and students Professor Yaryna Turchyn, based on her own experience of participating in academic mobility programmes, singled out their importance for the professional skill of an academic (for example, learning new teaching methods, improving language skills, the possibility of expanding professional relations, etc.), described positive effects of her own academic mobility in the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Republic of Poland (2017). She focused on the content of jointly implemented international scientific projects, the involvement of Polish colleagues in the training of scientific personnel, double degree programs, etc.

Lesia Brych, representative of the Center for International Education, Lviv Polytechnic National University, focused attention on the essence of Erasmus+ academic mobility programmes, external and internal criteria for the selection of participants, and proposals for participation in such a program at the university level. Of particular interest was the possibility of scientific exchanges for conducting research on the basis of leading European institutions of higher education.

Oksana Hodovanska revealed the specifics of the development of museology in Italy and the implementation of the best European solutions to the practical component of the training of museum professionals.

The speech of students Solomiia Hevko and Sofiia Kishchak about the peculiarities of studying within the framework of Erasmus+ at Pontifical University of Salamanca was extremely informative. Among the best practices that should be applied in the educational process of Lviv Polytechnic, they suggested working in teams, as well as preparing various student projects.

The practical panel on the topic «How to become a participant of the Erasmus+ academic exchange programme?» with the use of interactive methods of teaching European studies was conducted by trainers – EUSTS project participants Olha Ivasechko and Oleh Tsebenko, as well as Lesiia Brych and Viktor Demko. The event aroused special interest among students from various institutes – ITRE, ICSIT, ICTA, IPEC, IHSS, who showed interest in participating in Erasmus+ programmes, and received relevant information and skills in writing motivational letters.

In total, 36 students and 17 scientific and pedagogical workers took part in the event.

The event was organized under the leadership of the EUSTS project coordinator, Professor Yaryna Turchyn. Participants of the EUSTS project: Associate Professor Nataliia Vovk (Department of Social Communication and Information Activities) and Associate Professor Oleksandr Markovets (Department of Social Communication and Information Activities); senior lecturer Iryna Sukhorolska (Department of Political Science and International Relations); Associate Professor Lidiia Kasha (Department of Electromechatronics and Computerized Electromechanical Systems) also joined the organization of the event.

More detailed information about EUSTS can be found on the project website.