Professor Andrii Pavliv and Associate Professor Oresta Remeshylo-Rybchynska, who work at the Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals, the Institute of Architecture and Design, Lviv Polytechnic, took part in the International Forum «Architectural Education in the Era of Reconstruction of Ukraine after the War».
- The general conceptual framework of the Forum, which took place in Kyiv on February 9, 2023, was formulated by its organizers.
- Creation of a holistic approach to modern architectural education as the industry of training personnel for the reconstruction of Ukraine after the war.
- Modern thinking of an architect as a necessary integral approach to the creation of new inter-sectoral systems – social, urban, and business, which will be part of the reconstruction process.
- The reconstruction of Ukraine will take place to a greater extent due to European private funds – for this, a tax reform to prepare the groundwork in the field of economic activity is being implemented. Should we make a reform in the training of personnel who will design reconstruction processes? Does the quality of our personnel meet the requirements of the future European customer?
The reconstruction of the entire country requires the creation of a common integrated picture of the country of the future and a common model of personnel training for this future. None of the parties, participants in the process, is able to provide such an integrated approach from its narrow niche. How can such an approach be created in the field of architectural education to raise the level of Ukrainian architects in accordance with European requirements? What social and institutional changes should take place for this?
The report by Andrii Pavliv and Oresta Remeshylo Rybchynska «The relevance of using horizontal connections in modern architectural education» was highly appreciated. The authors used materials from the experience of many years of work at the Institute of Architecture and Design, Lviv Polytechnic, and noted their own developed principles and means of further development of educational processes in Ukraine.
Other speakers included well-known architects, theoreticians, scientists, representatives of architectural educational institutions, related majors, and owners of construction firms. In particular:
- Oleksandr Kashchenko – Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Chairman of the Scientific and Methodical Commission on Architecture of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
- Nataliia Kondel-Perminova – Candidate of Architecture, architecture expert at the Institute of Contemporary Art Issues;
- Oleh Drozdov – an architect, the founder of the Kharkiv School of Architecture.
In the discussion took part:
- Hanna Bondar – People’s Deputy of Ukraine, architect, urban planner;
- Yulian Chaplinskyi – a Ukrainian architect, urban planner, public and political activist; in 2015–2019 he worked as the head of the Architecture Department of the city of Lviv, from September 2019 to February 2020 – Deputy Minister of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine on issues of European integration;
- Christos Passas – design director Zaha Hadid architects, guest professor DAAD, RIBA chartered architect – Presentation – RIBA mandatory competencies and future challenges for architects;
- Szymon Wojciechowski, director and founder of the project bureau, Republic of Poland;
- Regina Loukotová – the rector of the Architectural Institute (ARCHIP), Prague.
One of the initiators and organizers, leading discussions at the International Forum «Architectural Education in the Era of Reconstruction of Ukraine after the War», architect Vlad Holdakovskyi asked: «Today we are talking about the systemic destruction of the country – it requires a systematic, holistic approach to the modern training of architects – what steps are needed to do this? Is it possible to create an influence group, an initiative group that could influence the situation in education from the bottom up?»
Andrii Pavliv and Oresta Remeshylo-Rybchynska asked their colleagues from the Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals, the Institute of Architecture and Design, the same questions. If anyone wishes to participate in the discussion, please send your suggestions to the corporate mail of Lviv Polytechnic to Oresta Remeshylo-Rybchynska.
At the end of the Forum, the participants received certificates of appreciation signed by the organizers.
The results of the Forum are proposed to be continued in further scientific and practical developments, which will be informed in the future