Post-war dementia and local social support strategies: a scientific-methodical seminar was held at the NDC "Demos"

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A scientific-methodical seminar/webinar «Post-war dementia and local strategies of social assistance: challenges, resources, alternatives» was held at the NDC «Demos». The initiators of the event were the lecturers of the Department of Public Administration of the IASU – Doctor of Public Administration, Professor Oleksandra Hudoba, Candidate of Science. of public administration, associate professor Diana Zayats and the Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics of the IASU – Doctor of Economic Sciences, prof. Ulyana Sadova, PhD candidate Natalia Didukh.

Attention to the problems of post-war dementia is not accidental. The world is recording a rapid increase in the incidence of this disease. And if in other countries there are special strategies, programs aimed at the development of diagnostics, treatment of diseases, the search for models of social assistance to the needy, then Ukraine increasingly suffers from the problems of under-accounting and low-quality statistics, a shortage of professional personnel capable of providing the necessary assistance, a lack of specialized institutions etc. And there are also the challenges of increasing the specific weight of the morbidity rate among such categories of the population as participants and war veterans with PTSD, with TBI, prisoners of war, residents of de-occupied territories, IDPs... This is also the prevalence of depression among caregivers of people with dementia. These and other challenges, possible resources and alternatives were discussed in the report of Prof. O. Khudoby and Associate Professor D. Zayats «Challenges and opportunities for local authorities in providing long-term care for patients with dementia.»

The participants of the seminar, those present, expressed great gratitude for raising such a complex, and at the same time, relevant topic for Ukraine. More details – in the attached file.