The final meeting of the pilot cycle of the Leaders of University Transformation for Ukraine’s Reinvention (LUTUR) program, which was attended by the Lviv Polytechnic team and five other universities, took place in Kyiv with the participation of Oksen Lisovyi, Minister of Education and Science, his deputy Mykhailo Vynnytskyi, representatives of the British Council Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Fund of the President of Ukraine for the Support of Education, Science and Sports, as well as rectors of higher education institutions whose representatives were trained under this program.
During this module, teams from six higher education institutions presented their projects – the result of five months of work, with the aim of improving certain areas of universities’ work.
– We hope that the implementation of our project "Digital transformation of the document management system at Lviv Polytechnic as a tool for attracting the academic community" will have a high level of impact on the University and Polytechnicias. First of all, this will help to improve business processes, ensure effective communication, help eliminate the need for employees to perform a large amount of routine, monotonous work, and free up working time for more creative pedagogical and scientific work, said Liliia Zhuk, Vice-Rector for Education and Strategic Development.
Let us remind you that the Leaders of University Transformation for Ukraine’s Reinvention (LUTUR) program is aimed at:
- development and involvement of a new generation of higher education leaders / creation of a leadership reserve;
- strengthening the institutional capacity of universities of Ukraine, which demonstrate the ability to develop and change;
- creation and strengthening of relations between the universities of Great Britain and Ukraine.
The program is implemented with the participation of leading British and Ukrainian experts. The British partner of the program is Cardiff University.
Analyzing the work on the project "Digital transformation of the document management system at Lviv Polytechnic as a tool for attracting the academic community", Pavlo Zhezhnych, Vice-Rector for Education and Informatization, said:
– At Lviv Polytechnic we implement document circulation in two directions. A system of structured data, which included the dean’s office documents, entrants’ and others’ documents was introduced 15–20 years ago. There is also the so-called loosely structured document flow – these are the documents of different formats and method of compilation. It has been implemented in 2015 on the Alfresco base. The only gap in our document flow was the electronic signing of documents. But the use of digital signatures is not new for us – we have such a practice, since the University is integrated into various external systems, in particular, such as USEDE (Unified State Electronic Database on Education), the tax system, etc. Also, a few years ago, we joined the systems of electronic interaction with executive authorities. The LUTUR project was the impetus for a serious study of how this could be implemented at the University. In addition, we found out that Lviv Polytechnic uses almost 200,000 documents, which means tons of paper and the time of our employees.
Pavlo Zhezhnych also emphasized that LUTUR became an incentive to start work on the complete transfer of the University’s internal document management system to an electronic one.