For at least six years Lviv Polytechnic is interested in implementing the practical component of dual education. And now, we are starting to prepare relevant documents to implement this system (German dual education is taken as a model for our university). Vice-Rector Roman Korzh gave an interview about the subtleties and peculiarities of dual education system in Lviv Polytechnic.
– Step by step we implement dual education system at our university. Although there are a lot of challenges, we know about them and look for solutions. But in any case, now Lviv Polytechnic launches an experimental dual education, explained Roman Korzh.
Unlike Germany, where a student first selects an enterprise to work on and then enrolls at a college or university, our students will first choose an institution and then collaborate with the employers provided by University.
If we speak about the German experience of dual education, even there not every university works according to this system. There are four education institutions: Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (9,500 firms, 34,000 students), the Berlin School of Economics and Law (10,000 students), the Saxon Academy of Learning (5,000 students), and Duale Hochschule Gera-Eisenach. There students study for six semesters – three months of theoretical studies in higher education institute and three months – training at the enterprise. Our Polytechnic is still considering such a scheme. And in the future we plan to establish a separate institute of dual education.
– A dual education system offers a number of benefits to students. As due to the close interaction of theory and practice, their career actually begins at University, added Roman Korzh.
Thus, today University is implementing an educational program based on the experience of Germany, although, for example, the Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems of Lviv Polytechnic is already a prototype of dual education.