To the 20th anniversary of the department

This year the Department of Sociology and Social Work of Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Lviv Polytechnic National University is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The Department activity is well known both in Ukraine and beyond its borders. Noteworthy is the experience of the current and the entire period of the advancement of the Department of Sociology and Social Work at Lviv Polytechnic.



Lviv Polytechnic National University has been training professionals for the social sphere since 1999, when the Social Work Education Program (SW Program) was launched under Canada-Ukraine Reforming Social Services Project (RSS Project) (1999-2003), funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). The experience of training sociologists, social workers and social welfare professionals has been gained at the Department of Sociology and Social Work (SSW Department), established under this international initiative in 2001 within the structure of Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Lviv Polytechnic. The sustainable development of the educational programs and the SSW Department overall, and the University capacity building in the sphere of social inclusion and inclusive education has been taking place against the background of the long-term partnership with the University of Manitoba, the Canadian partner of Lviv Polytechnic in Canada-Ukraine RSS Project as well as with other leading institutions both inside and outside Ukraine.

In the process of the initiation and further development of the educational programs at the SSW Department, the “University-Community” system of professional education and training has evolved. Its conceptual foundations are justified particularly by the principles of the ecosystems approach, the strengths perspective, the theory of intersectionality, the holistic model of health, environmental safety as well as by other professional education approaches in the social sphere. The training of students to confer Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees according to their specialty has been taking place in view of the partnership cooperation development at the local, regional, all-national, and international levels.

Against this background, in 2015, International “Integration” Centre for Professional Partnerships (hereinafter – “Integration” Centre) was established for the purpose of developing an inclusive consciousness, an inclusive educational environment and architectural and social accessibility to study opportunities at Lviv Polytechnic for individuals with special educational needs. One more important objective was to develop a network of multidisciplinary partnership interaction of Lviv Polytechnic with governmental and non-governmental agencies in Lviv as well as with other partner organizations both in Ukraine and abroad.

Based on “Integration” Centre, programs of continuing professional education and training in the social sphere (non-degree granting), exchange programs for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students are organized and delivered, as well as international projects are implemented, in particular, the “Norway-Ukraine” project “Retraining and Social Adaptation of Servicepersons and Their Family Members in Ukraine. Integration of the “Norway-Ukraine project” model into the state system”. Here “No Limits” Services of Accessibility to Learning Opportunities (hereinafter – “No Limits” Accessibility Services), Veteran Services for Combatants, Their Families, & Internally Displaced Persons (hereinafter –Veteran Services), and counselling and coordination services “Community Health Clinic of Lviv Polytechnic” (hereinafter – Community Health Clinic) are provided.

The activity of “Integration” Centre is a manifestation of the implementation of inclusive education policy at Lviv Polytechnic. In their delivery, the services, programs and projects, as provided based on the Centre rely on both the interaction of the University subdivisions and the cooperation with governmental and non-governmental agencies in Lviv. Thus, education goes beyond the academic community and extends to the community of the city. The progressive development of “No Limits” partnership network and its offspring, i.e., “No Limits” research platform (launched on the initiative of the Lviv community representatives) contributes to the consolidation of efforts of educators and practitioners of the social sphere, representatives of public authorities and local self-government.

In their current activity, the SSW Department and “Integration” Centre closely cooperate as one team. One example of such an inseparable partnership interaction is their joint participation in VII International Exhibition “Modern Educational Establishments – 2016”. The publication submitted to the exhibition under the title “Psychosocial support of children and youth in difficult life circumstances in the “University – Community” system of professional education of social workers: The Lviv Polytechnic National University experience” won the Grand Prix “Leader of the Higher Education of Ukraine”, and Certificate of quality of scientific publications of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Association of Users of Ukrainian Research and Academic Network “URAN”. Accordingly, Lviv Polytechnic was awarded a diploma and a gold medal.

The organic professional partnership of the SSW Department and “Integration” Centre is research-based, which is key to the sustainable development of the “University-Community” system of professional education and training formed at Lviv Polytechnic National University. This in turn allows the University to respond to current challenges based on the innovative global experience, updated strategies and technologies of professional education and professional activity in the social sphere, which is becoming increasingly important in the COVID-19 pandemic time specifically.


New Educational Initiative

The Department of Sociology and Social Work and International “Integration” Centre for Professional Partnerships are coming out with a New Educational Initiative in continuing professional development (non-degree granting) in the sphere of social inclusion and inclusive education. The new educational initiative is targeted at the following two priority areas:

Priority Area I

The development and provision of a PD program “Making learning opportunities accessible for persons with special educational needs in a higher education setting” for the faculty members and support staff at Lviv Polytechnic

Purpose: to address accessibility needs of students with special educational needs, persons with disabilities specifically, in a higher education setting based on the trainees’ professional competencies to be developed within the PD program in the sphere of social inclusion and inclusive education

Justification. The initiative is based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) rather than the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), i.e., functional ability vs. inability as a major criterion for approaching health. This in turn makes it possible to apply the strength-based approach and other related perspectives, theories and models in professional education and professional practice and this way to contribute to improving health and social functioning of the individual.

Priority Area II

The development and provision of a PD program “Innovative strategies, technologies and expertise in social inclusion and inclusive education” for social service providers from governmental and non-governmental social service agencies in Lviv and the region

Purpose: to address ongoing needs of social service providers from both GOs and NGOs in Lviv and the region in their provision with opportunities for continuing professional development

Justification. The SSW Department and “Integration” Centre are being approached by frontline social workers and administrators of GOs and NGOs in Lviv and the region with a request to be provided with opportunities for continuing professional development in order to address their ongoing needs in the provision of such opportunities. The SSW Department and “Integration” Centre in turn would appreciate an opportunity to have community representatives actively engaged in interactive teaching to share their firsthand experience of social work practice with others. The SW Program faculty are particularly interested in supporting the learning environment and competency and research-based social work practice for social work students to be sure to find themselves in at their placement sites. The incorporation of “No Limits” Research Platform and its further development is a priority here.

The SW Program faculty consider also relying on the experience of providing a PD training for field instruction supervisors in social work, as gained under Canada-Ukraine RSS Project (1999-2003).


At the introduction stage of the New Educational Initiative, the above two priority areas are combined in one certificate online PD course in social inclusion and inclusive education being developed to be provided within the framework of the ongoing partnership cooperation of the University of Manitoba and Lviv Polytechnic National University.


The Canadian partners’ participation in the New Educational Initiative is coordinated by Dr. Maureen P. Flaherty, MSW, Ph.D., Associate Professor in Peace & Conflict Studies, Arthur V. Mauro Institute for Peace and Justice at St. Paul’s College, UofM. She is the Social Work instructor having developed and taught several professional courses at Lviv Polytechnic to students, faculty members and field site-supervisors under Canada-Ukraine RSS Project funded by CIDA (1999-2003), as well as thereafter. Dr. Flaherty is the expert actively involved with Ukraine on an ongoing basis, with her research, teaching and advising supporting Social Work education and community development in the country.

Dr. Flaherty is Canadian Coordinator, and an advisor, author, editor and trainer in the certified online PD course, as newly initiated by the Canada-Ukraine team. In the fall semester 2021, Dr. Flaherty is coming on a visit to Lviv to stay and teach in her capacity as Visiting Professor at the SSW Department and “Integration” Centre at Lviv Polytechnic, in launching the New Educational Initiative in particular. Dr. Maureen P. Flaherty is the recipient of the University of Manitoba Graduate Students’ Association (UMGSA) Teaching Award (2020) ( and the winner of other honorary awards. She is also the member of the Honorary Presidium of “Integration” Centre and SSW Department, Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Lviv Polytechnic (


The Ukrainian partners’ participation in the New Educational Initiative is coordinated by Dr. Nina M. Hayduk, MA, MSW, Ph.D. in Education, Associate Professor. She is a graduate of the Master of Social Work Program (1999-2001) at the University of Manitoba, having also held the Research Affiliate status of this Canadian University (2010-2019). For many years Nina M. Hayduk has been the permanent Head of the Social Work Education Program at the SSW Department (1999-2020), established at Lviv Polytechnic under Canada-Ukraine RSS Project (1999-2003) funded by CIDA.

Dr. Hayduk is Ukrainian Coordinator, and an advisor, author, editor and trainer in the certified online PD course, as newly initiated by the Canada-Ukraine team. In her capacity as Director of “Integration” Centre (2015-2020) Dr. Hayduk successfully coordinated the development of an inclusive academic environment at Lviv Polytechnic. She is also Coordinator of the development of “No Limits” Partnerships Network in social inclusion and inclusive education at the international, all-national, regional, and local levels. Dr. Nina Hayduk is Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of education (2019) ( and the winner of other honorary awards. She is also the member of the Honorary Presidium of “Integration” Centre and SSW Department, Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Lviv Polytechnic (


Note. The content of the newly initiated PD course will be delivered to representatives of the above two target groups either concurrently or at different times, depending on immediate needs to be addressed.


The Outline (main version) of the combined certificate online PD course

in social inclusion and inclusive education (including a relevant online manual) for (1) the University faculty members and support staff, and

(2) social service providers

The PD course consists of several modules, both mandatory and optional ones. Module 1 is mandatory for all participants.

The manual will be an online one with clickable links that go to the material to be provided and updated as needed.


Module 1. The Contents

UNIT 1 (Introductory Unit)

This unit provides an overview of the whole certificate course and lays the foundation for the course:

1. The regulatory and legal support of inclusive education in higher education

2. Inclusive academic environment in a higher education setting. Physical and non-visible, psycho-social barriers. Architectural and social accessibility to study opportunities

3.The existing system of inclusive education services at Lviv Polytechnic



This unit provides the theoretical background for the course and assists learners to learn the theories behind how accessible services work and/or review foundational theories they already know, helping with joint understanding and network development:

Social work (theories, perspectives and models) and other approaches, which are instrumental in developing an inclusive academic environment, including:

  • The Ecosystems approach: Ecological perspective and Systems theory

  • The Strengths perspective. Narrative therapy. Solution focused therapy

  • Structural / Radical approaches

  • The Theory of intersectionality. Intersectional feminism

  • The Holistic model of health. Holistically developed personality

  • Environmental safety and health

  • The Generalist perspective. The Generalist problem solving intervention model


Universal (barrier-free) design in a higher education setting



Health caring and health promoting activities in higher education based on the holistic model of health and holistic personality



Current problems of people with special educational needs in an academic environment



Communication features and conflict resolution in academic groups with students with special educational needs


Supervision in a higher education setting



Current issues of the implementation of inclusive education policy at Lviv




On the vision of the inclusive academic environment development in higher


This would be a wrap- up session held as a talking circle or a round table for visioning, involving participants of the course.


Estimated total number of credits / teaching hours in Module 1: 3/90

Note. The number of credits / teaching hours will be further specified.


Examples of optional modules

Module 2

This module will consider the following issues:

1. The role of universities in furthering inclusion

2. What does accommodation mean? What kinds of special needs must be/should be accommodated?

3. How is accommodation facilitated at the university level: at the UofM, at Lviv Polytechnic?

- How are individuals identified confidentially for services?

- How are individuals who seem to need services could be involved?

- How can recommendations for accommodation be put into place respecting confidentiality?

4. What do faculty members need to know about their role in accommodation, including the expectations of privacy and confidentiality for the student?


Module 3

This module will be devoted to people related to accessibility, specifically to former military persons and their families. This would be a mini-course or mini-series of speakers. The premise: Lviv Polytechnic is staffed by people who have experienced trauma, in the ongoing war, especially in eastern Ukraine. Students and community as a whole are experiencing trauma.

Guest speakers from Winnipeg and Lviv will be invited on the following:

  • Working with military families

  • Working with students who have experienced trauma

  • Working with displaced people (including refugees)

  • Vicarious trauma

  • Working with communities that have experienced trauma

  • The government regulations regarding inclusive education

  • Supporting the regulatory and legal mandate of the university regarding inclusivity.


Note. The terms of enrollment in the combined certificate online PD course

in social inclusion and inclusive education will be announced on the sites of the SSW Department and “Integration” Centre in addition.

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