International Cooperation and Partners of the Department of Urban Planning and Design

The English language master’s program in the specialty 191 — Architecture and Urban Planning (3 semesters) starts at Lviv Polytechnic National University

During 2019, the English language master’s program in the specialty 191 — Architecture and Urban Planning (3 semesters) starts at Lviv Polytechnic National University.

The educational-professional program is based on well-known positions and results of modern research on the theory of architecture and urban planning, architectural design, landscape architecture, regional planning, and focuses on topical specialization, within which further professional and scientific careers are possible.

Specialists of specialty 191 — Architecture and urban planning are used in the field of designing buildings and structures, designing of objects of landscape architecture, reconstruction and renovation of architectural monuments, in the field of the protection of the historical environment; in the field of design — urban, architectural, graphic and webdesign; in the field of state and municipal administration in the field of architecture and urban planning.

Entry conditions here: Department of Foreign Students (

The Department of Urban Planning and Design concluded bilateral agreements and conducted fruitful scientific cooperation with such foreign scientific institutions as:

  • West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin — Department of Urban Studies, Regional Planning and Management of the Building Architectural Faculty. In the framework of the cooperation, student workshops were held and scientific research results were published in the international science and technology journal “Space & Form”: scientific journal (Index Copernicus International, Baz Tech).
  • The Vienna Technical University (Technische Universität Wien), within the framework of the cooperation, there is an academic exchange of students and teachers, numerous workshops in Lviv, Odesa, Kharkiv, and Crimean cities. From 2014 — International Academic Design Urban Laboratory 
  • Institute for the Construction of Częstochowa Polytechnic, Poland (Wydział Budownictwa Politechniki Częstochowskiej). Research papers were published in the collection “Zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Częstochowskiej”.

During 2018-2019 Department of Urban Planning and Design concluded also three Inter-institutional agreements in the framework of ERASMUS+ Key Action 1 — Mobility for learners and staff — Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility with next universities:

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