Scientific Activity of the Students

Scientific Activity of the Students

Students’ scientific work is guided by curators of academic groups. Students are willing to create futuristic images of cities, perform urban studies by sketching. During 3-4 courses, students take part in student scientific conferences of Lviv Polytechnic or other higher educational institutions (supervisor — PhD, Assoc. prof. Yuliya Idak).

You can also deepen collaboration with leading lecturers and instructors in architectural design in each semester. You can perform research on urban structures of fragments of the city, the evolution of architectural and urban complexes, to formulate proposals for the arrangement of certain territories, etc.

The results of student research and research work can be presented at conferences of all higher educational establishments of Ukraine and published in the Journal of Architecture of Lviv Polytechnic and in conference proceedings of the Annual International Youth Science Forum “Litteris et Artibus”, “GAC”

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