Academic integrity

According to the Regulations on Academic Integrity at the Lviv Polytechnic National University research and teaching staff, research and support staff and graduates (bachelors, masters, graduate students) of the Department of Finance of the Institute of Economics and Management carry out educational activities in compliance with all moral principles, norms and rules ethical behavior, professional activities and professional communication of the academic community.

The regulation is aimed at maintaining high professional standards in the educational, scientific and educational fields of the department, affirming academic virtues and preventing violations of academic integrity at the bachelor's, master's and educational - scientific PhD levels of higher education in full-time and part-time forms.

Academic integrity is a set of ethical principles, rules of conduct of participants in the educational process, aimed at forming and developing an independent and responsible personality, able to solve problems in accordance with the educational level in compliance with law and public morality.

Principles of academic integrity at the Department of Finance : rule of law, legality and justice, tolerance of scientific integrity, professionalism and responsibility, partnership and mutual respect, trust, openness and transparency.

Observance of academic integrity by scientific and pedagogical workers and applicants for higher education at the Department of Finance provides :

  • Compliance with the Constitution, current legislation of Ukraine in the field of higher education and regulations of Lviv Polytechnic National University.
  • Avoidance of actions based on private interest and conflict of interest, use in educational activities only verified sources of information and honest reference to them.
  • Mutual respect of all participants in the educational process and the academic community, regardless of age, gender, health status, citizenship, nationality, religion , social status and other characteristics.
  • Exclusion from the practice of bribery and obtaining any benefits. Liability for breach of academic integrity.
  • Objective assessment of knowledge and skills of higher education, the use of innovative pedagogical technologies, non-disclosure of confidential information.
  • Avoidance of falsification or fabrication of information, scientific results (in course, diploma, dissertation).

Norms and rules of academic integrity of scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Finance :

  • respect the rights and freedoms of students and colleagues, act openly and transparently;
  • to be a patriot of his country, his university and his department;
  • to increase the scientific and spiritual treasury of the Department of Finance;
  • to be a bearer of morality, an example of high professionalism;
  • to profess the principles of academic freedom and responsibility in pedagogical, research and educational activities;
  • constantly work on improving their professional, intellectual, cultural level, show initiative, creative approach to the performance of official duties;
  • be aware of the responsibility for the application of untested new scientific knowledge;
  • to practice innovative pedagogical technologies, ensuring impeccable honesty at all stages of scientific research and performance of student work by applicants for higher education;
  • to form flexible scientific and educational programs and courses adapted to the environment of modern information and communication technologies and business practices;
  • objectively assess the knowledge of students, avoiding personal hostility, the influence of family, friends, officials;
  • respect the opinion of the student and support student proposals in scientific endeavors, promote the disclosure of scientific potential;
  • not to create favorable conditions for writing off classes, examinations, use of unauthorized materials in the defense of qualifying works and dissertations, to form a spirit of mutual understanding and friendliness in classes;
  • to carry out educational work, to educate modern specialists on the principles of humanism, pluralism and patriotism.

Norms and rules of academic integrity of higher education students at the Department of Finance :

  • to be a patriot of his country, his university and his department; realize their vocation as a student;
  • to represent the educational institution, the department, to protect its honor and to create a positive image;
  • to profess the principles of academic freedom, intellectual independence and responsibility; to fulfill the schedule of the educational process, to pass tests and exams in time, to perform qualification works;
  • not to facilitate the provision or receipt of assistance from third parties during the final control, not to use family or business ties ;
  • not to offer remuneration to teachers in assessing the results of educational, qualification and research tasks;
  • to prevent plagiarism in works; not to make unauthorized audio or video recordings of educational lectures;
  • to adhere to the culture of behavior, to develop leadership qualities, professional mobility, to be collected and tidy, to maintain the moral and psychological climate in the student environment, to treat the property of the department and the university.

Forms of manifestations of academic dishonesty :

  • academic plagiarism;
  • academic fraud;
  • academic falsification and fabrication;
  • publication of fictional research results;
  • attribution of results of activity;
  • academic deception;
  • academic bribery;
  • conflict of interest;
  • private interest.

for participation in any manifestation of academic dishonesty in accordance with the requirements of current legislation of Ukraine.

A set of preventive measures to prevent academic dishonesty at the Department of Finance:

  • acquaintance of applicants for higher education and research and teaching staff with the provisions of academic integrity;
  • informing all members of the academic community about the observance of the rules of professional ethics;
  • conducting consultations on information activities, correctness of writing scientific, educational works, rules of description of sources and registration of citations;
  • strengthening the control of the head of the department, members of examination commissions on the correct design of references to sources of literature, ideas, statements, information, etc.;
  • verification of qualification works, scientific materials for academic plagiarism.


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