Feedback from students, teachers, graduates

Bohdan Talatura, student of the Department of Finance, head of the Youth Council

Lviv Regional State Administration shares its views on choosing a profession and is convinced that Lviv Polytechnic is a forge of famous people, leading financiers, politicians, employees

You need to find what you love! And it's just right for work as it is for relationships. Your job will fill most of your life and the only way to be completely satisfied is to do what you think is a big deal. And the only way to do great things is to do what you love!

That is why I, Talatura Bohdan Ihorovych, knew from my childhood that I wanted to connect my life and future activity with the economy. While studying at school, everyone in the graduating classes thinks about choosing a profession, before choosing a university to study and acquire knowledge.

It was not difficult for me to make this choice, often hearing interesting banking news, changes in the economic sphere at home from my father, I more and more wanted to work in a bank like him. So, the choice became obvious. For our family, the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic National University has its own history, is very close and native, because my parents are its graduates. When you clearly see that the experience gained by parents, the knowledge gained in this university is a very strong argument in the work, in the right decision-making and in principle in life, it is not so difficult to make your own choice. This important step was taken in order to further obtain a full higher education at Lviv Polytechnic, namely at the IEM Institute while studying at the Department of Finance.

My acquaintance with Lviv Polytechnic was gradual, I received my first educational experience at the Technical Vocational College of LPNU, which I graduated with honors, then went to the third year of the Department of Finance. From the first days at the department, I tried and still try to study hard and learn from professionals. It is impossible to see a teacher standing with a book or a piece of paper and just reading, here everyone teaches according to self-developed programs, which were compiled with the help of their vast baggage of knowledge and experience. It is also interesting to gain experience in scientific activities, which skillfully involves teachers of talented students. Thus, I have already had the opportunity to participate in the 79th student scientific and technical conference, my work took 3rd place, which is very pleasant and motivating for further study.

In general, the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic can be called a forge of famous people, leading bankers, politicians and employees. I, too, want to add to this list, I am already actively engaged in public work in my free time and head the "Youth Council" at LODA.

Summing up the above words, I am sure that thanks to the professional team of teachers of the Department of Finance, I will gain the necessary knowledge and experience to implement the business that I love!


We are students of the FB-32 group, we study at the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic. We want to tell something for future, present and past financiers…

Studying at the Lviv Polytechnic National University, namely at the Department of Finance can be quite different for students, because the organization of training is carried out at a fairly high level.

Our university, in particular the native department, provides many interesting opportunities for study, self-development, travel, international experience, but the main driver is always the desires and goals of students.

During the study of bachelor's or master's programs in polytechnics, the university and in particular the Department of Finance provides many interesting courses with professional teachers and practitioners, as well as many extracurricular activities. For example, these are internships at universities in European countries, internships in powerful financial companies, strong staging of the scientific process, scientific work at the department, international conferences, sports work, as well as various competitions.

The university gives students the most important thing - the ability to learn. Of course, there is still a lot of information to be learned in any post-graduate work, and this process never stops, but university education provides an opportunity to analyze and critically evaluate this information many times more effectively.

All this makes us, the FB-32 group, a powerful FINANCIAL ELITE!

I want to wish the university and our native department of finance, success and prosperity!

We will not let you down!

There are a lot of opportunities, the main desire is to achieve the set goals!!!


Super learning opportunities at the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic, which were used by the master, Pysmennyi Oleksiy:

  • Scholarship of the President of Ukraine received.
  • Victory in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Banking".
  • Participation in the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline "Banking".
  • Internship in Lviv City Council.
  • Internship in Poland at Leopolis for Future.

And so it will be a story about the opportunities that I, Pysmennyi Oleksiy Volodymyrovych, got by choosing a place of study in the master's program of the National University; Institute of Economics and Management. Choosing an educational institution was not easy enough, because after graduating from the Oles Honchar National University, I had the opportunity to gain new experience, new knowledge and acquaintances. The choice was quite difficult, because I really wanted to leave my city and had to choose a new one depending on the WHO. The choice, at first, was unequivocally between Kyiv and Lviv. But then, I finally decided that I wanted to try to live in Lviv, because it is «another planet»; in comparison with the Dnieper. And this was the first important factor for me, namely - the city in which I want to live, and Lviv captivated me with its atmosphere, people and attitude to life. Therefore, my choice fell on the two top HEIs in Lviv and Ukraine - LNU. I. Franko and LPNU.

However, after visiting both universities, I finally decided on a priority institution, which impressed not only with its greatness but also with the professionalism of its employees, who impressed even during the admissions committee. And for now, I believe that there is no similar higher education institution that provides training services for specialists in the field of economics and finance in western Ukraine or they cannot yet compete with the "Lviv Polytechnic".

I've heard a lot about the good ratings of «Polytechnic» and when I started to get to know the teachers and their teaching methods during the couples, I really felt it. Because at the Department of Finance, where by the way I entered, because my specialization is finance, banking and insurance, there are teachers of "aerobatics" who know their business really well. Here it is impossible to see a teacher standing with a book or a sheet and just reading, here everyone teaches on their own developed programs and in order to explain something they do not need to spy somewhere, they already know everything. It should also be noted that all teachers are engaged in scientific activities, which involve as many students as possible. So, I was involved in conferences and one of my main achievements during my studies was to participate in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Banking". Through fruitful work with our research supervisor - Professor Bondarchuk Maria Konstantynivna, we made a winning scientific work for this competition, which took place in Kharkiv.

While studying, writing a research paper, I found several more opportunities provided by both the university and the city. For example, I took part in an internship program from the Lviv City Council «First Career Step», and there are many additional free courses at the university, so my friend and I went to express courses in learning and practicing English, which took place from native speakers. These courses were supported by both the University and the NGO Campus Ukraine.

Later, I found another type of opportunity provided by Lviv Polytechnic, namely, various international internships. The university, in cooperation with foreign educational institutions and organizations, provides opportunities for internships and study abroad. That's how I found an internship program in Poland called Leopolis for Future. Of course, participation in such programs involves competitive selection and I passed it. Now I am going on a summer internship in Warsaw to one of the best companies for outsourcing and auditing services, and all this is due to the internship program.

Also thanks to such teachers as Alekseev Ihor Valentynovych, Synyutka Natalia Hennadiyvna, Bondarchuk Maria Kostiantynivna, Zaderetska Roksolana Ivanivna, who helped my candidacy to take part and win the competition for the academic scholarship of the President of Ukraine, which was very unexpected for me.

The next opportunity I took advantage of was the participation in the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline "Banking", which took place in Irpin. It should also be noted that the Department of Finance constantly cooperates with local companies and holds meetings with their representatives in order to acquaint students with future opportunities and provide an opportunity to prove themselves to companies.

Therefore, as a note for students who are currently thinking about participating in such competitions and Olympiads, I would advise you to agree, because it will bring you not only new knowledge and experience, but also allow you to visit other cities and universities, make business and friendly acquaintances.

And this is only a small number of opportunities provided by the university and the Department of Finance. To tell the truth, I never thought that the university would give me so many chances for self-development and I am grateful to everyone who took part in organizing all this. It is such learning and student life that leaves memories for a lifetime and this is not the end!


A financier is the foundation for building a successful career in the future!

so says the master of KATERINA MOTORYA

I chose the profession of financier by accident, but it changed my life dramatically. After graduating from 11th grade, I faced a difficult choice of profession, but I was right and entered the Lviv Polytechnic Institute of Economics and Management, majoring in Finance and Credit. Having come a long way to becoming a Master of Science (MSc), I realized that higher education today is the foundation for building a successful career in the future!

Lviv Polytechnic is one of the best universities in Ukraine, which provides powerful knowledge in various fields. The Department of Finance became my home. Sincere, friendly professionals - teachers of the department put all their soul and knowledge into each student without exception, share their own experience in government agencies, banks, insurance companies and enterprises to analyze their financial condition, assess competitiveness, forecast the impact of external and internal factors on the activities of institutions in the future and the actual ability to work with basic financial documents.

During five years of study at Lviv Polytechnic I had experience of participating in research work of the department, publishing more than 20 works under the guidance of teachers in international professional journals, winning prizes in international competitions of student research under the guidance of Olga Olehivna Kots and Galina Ostapivna Partin.

The reward for me was to receive academic scholarships. This year's scholarship of the President of Ukraine ( motivated me not to stop there and go only forward!

Many thanks to all the staff of the Department of Finance for their indifference and desire to share theoretical and practical knowledge with students! I am sure that the experience gained during my years of study will help me realize all my plans and find a job by vocation.

"To earn a lot of money - courage, save them - wisdom, and skillfully spend - art." B. Averbach. 

We, the FB-31 group, are a group of cheerful, brave, talented and, most importantly, ambitious FINANCIALISTS.

During the three years of study, we have developed both professionally and as individuals, thanks in large part to our native DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE.

The department not only contributed to the comprehensive development, but also actively involved in scientific activities. Students of our group take part in conferences, publish their works in professional publications both in Ukraine and abroad, as well as try their hand at competitions at the national level, including the NBU University Challenge.

We are grateful to our teachers for organizing meetings with potential employers, whose offers students actively use (KPMG, Ernst & Young, the network of pharmacies "Plantain", PJSC IC "Ukrainian Insurance Group"). At the moment, many of us are employed and starting to build our careers. In addition, we are actively undergoing various trainings and practices (in particular, we can note the practice in JSC "Privatbank", JSC "Ukreximbank", SQL-training from the leading audit company PwC), which also became possible thanks to the recommendations and support of teachers.

Despite the fact that during our student days we had to study both offline and online, it still did not prevent us from gaining strong knowledge and becoming competitive in the labor market. It should also be added, that teachers have always shown loyalty and understanding, taught the material and helped to resolve any issue.

In conclusion, I would like to thank once again the teachers of our department for their significant contribution to our future. We hope for further fruitful cooperation!!!

We promise to remain the same active and positive students))))



AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIES - Lely Internatiobal N.V. (Kingdom of the Netherlands) - IT'S REALITY!

Master of Finance Pistun Christine

Thanks to the knowledge gained during her studies in Finance, Banking and Insurance, and the support of teachers, she won the international competition DiamondBootCamp 2016, which in turn gave the opportunity to do an internship in one of the most innovative companies in the agro-industry - Lely Internatiobal N.V. (Kingdom of the Netherlands).

During my internship at the company, I realized how valuable my scientific and educational knowledge is, for which I am incredibly grateful to the teachers of the Department of Finance.


Gavdo Rostislav St. gr. FBm - 13,

Studentship is, without exaggeration, the brightest stage in everyone's life. It is during this period that the formation of personality, the formation of worldview, as well as many other metamorphoses, which further determine the nature and destiny of the person. The most important factor influencing these processes is the environment in which such an individual is formed, that is, the university department.

I am currently a fifth-year student at the Department of Finance at Lviv Polytechnic National University. A few years ago, I was faced with a difficult choice: which specialty to choose to continue my studies. Fortunately, the results of the external independent evaluation allowed us not to limit ourselves to higher education institutions in our native Lviv, but also to choose a university from among many institutions throughout Ukraine. However, I chose the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic and after studying here for five years, I can say with confidence that this was the right decision. And there are several reasons for this.

First, it is the level of knowledge provided by teachers of the Department of Finance. Many of them, in addition to theoretical activities, have practical skills in tax, banking or insurance and are willing to share their knowledge in pairs with students. It's really interesting, so the learning process is as fast and efficient as possible. The ability to interest in your subject is a huge gift that not all teachers have, but there are many such people in my department.

Secondly, it is a positive attitude towards students. What impresses me the most is that the teachers of the Finance Department of Lviv Polytechnic do not hinder the desire of young people to implement their plans that are not related to education. In confirmation of my words, it is thanks to this policy towards students that I was able to participate in the WorkandTravel USA program two years ago, and the results of this session did not negatively affect my success.

Third, these are international research programs. Lviv Polytechnic has a wide range of scientific ties with universities in Poland, Germany, France, Latvia and Estonia. Thanks to this cooperation, Ukrainian students have the opportunity to obtain two diplomas at the same time, and this is simply an extraordinary advantage of the university in the competitive field of education. In particular, the Department of Finance works closely with the Stanislav Staszyc Mining and Metallurgical Academy (Polish: Akademia Górniczo-Hutniczaim. Stanisława Staszica), and thanks to this willing students of our faculty also receive a Polish diploma while studying for a master's degree. From my experience I can say that such programs form a positive image of the department, and the fact that foreign universities invite Ukrainian teachers shows that their scientific potential is recognized not only in our country but also abroad. Moreover, after the good basic knowledge I gained during four years of studying at the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic, all my difficulties while studying in Poland were limited to mastering a foreign language at the appropriate level.

Fourth, it is, after all, the students of Lviv Polytechnic. Leaders are educated in such an environment. It is nice to admit the fact that it was at the Polytechnic that I met many diverse people. While communicating with them, I discovered a lot of new information, especially in the financial field, which can be used in the future to achieve their goals.

Thus, during the years of study at Lviv Polytechnic I managed to gain new knowledge in the financial field, namely I studied the principles of tax and budget systems, learned to analyze financial statements of enterprises, banks and insurance companies, and deepened their analytical skills in assessing financial risks type of institutions. In addition, I managed to improve my lexical and grammatical skills while learning English and Polish through participation in the above programs, and therefore I believe that my period of study at the Department of Finance was quite productive, and the acquired skills will be an important competitive advantage for desired job. It is also important to note that such opportunities are provided to anyone who wants to learn something new, and teachers will always encourage such initiatives among their students.

Summing up, I want to thank all the teachers of the Department of Finance without exception for their invaluable contribution to the life of each student. Thanks to their persistent and tireless work, the students of our department acquire a set of skills, thanks to which we are able to solve the most difficult problems not only in the financial sphere, but also in everyday life.


Ilya Negriy, 5th year student of FBM-13

Students are the best times of your life, when all the possibilities of the world are available to you and no obstacle can stop you. It is during these times that you will develop as an adult who is ready to rise to the top of your career and write your name in history. There are still many ups and downs ahead, victories and defeats with which you will have a chance to meet, and how you will overcome them and what you will achieve depends on your ability to stand firmly on your feet and the foundation you have under them. Your knowledge gained while studying at university can be an excellent material for such support. So back in 2012, I decided that my "life foundation" I will form at the Lviv Polytechnic National University at the Department of Finance, studying finance and credit.

There is only one indicator to check the correctness of key decisions in your life - time. So, looking back, I can say with confidence that I have never regretted or questioned my decision to travel halfway across the country and enter the Polytechnic with its beauty and unique atmosphere in Lviv.

From the first day, the Polytechnic became a cozy home, and the teachers of my native department took in my life at the same time wise mentors and true colleagues who are ready to share with you the depth of their experience, but at the same time talking to you as an equal. And so it is, you can do research work in co-authorship with each teacher of the department and side by side to address pressing economic issues equally sharing responsibilities and making every effort your scientific tandem will be proud of its publication in a recent issue scientific bulletin.

Undoubtedly, such episodes and many other pleasant moments turn the learning process into a work that is pleasant to do, where motivation is at least added and there are no complaints about wasted time. I had the honor to tell you about one of the many positive episodes of studying at the Polytechnic, but which can be considered indicative of what your home university can give you, how it can help you go beyond the usual boundaries, limits and boundaries, in all senses.

It is worth noting that I am obtaining a master's degree not only from Lviv Polytechnic, but also from the Mining and Metallurgical Academy in Krakow, Poland. Such study abroad became possible due to my participation in the two degree program, which is the result of friendly cooperation between the two universities. The main advantage is that such a program allows you to use your student years several times more efficiently and in just two years to obtain two master's degrees, while studying in two European countries.

Looking ahead, I would like to point out that I do not see any disadvantages in such a program, that the minor difficulties that happened to us, first of all, invaluable experience gained on the way to a great goal.

Krakow welcomed us with open arms, and the Mining and Metallurgical Academy provided everything necessary to make Ukrainian students feel comfortable. This program allowed the mini to try itself in a new cultural environment, meet new friends and gain valuable experience.

As it turned out, studying in Poland is not so difficult if you have a good knowledge base, loyal friends and enthusiasm, and you can learn a foreign language quickly, the main thing is to communicate a lot and not be afraid to make mistakes, because without it. Thus, a group of students from Ukraine feels comfortable in Krakow, discovering a new country and new people, selflessly studying, passing a session and finding time for rest and tourism.

But the real pleasure is to return home after a few months abroad, to spend time with family and close friends, to share with them a whole bunch of impressions about an impressive cultural experience. But very soon you will have to return to your usual student life and visit your home university in the city of Leva again. Of course, another session is waiting for you at the Polytechnic, which is not difficult at all, if you methodically work on the tasks and do everything on time, and teachers, in turn, will meet students trying their hand at a foreign university.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to my Polytechnic and especially to my native Department of Finance, which never hindered my aspirations, but only supported and encouraged me to achieve great goals. I am also personally grateful to each teacher of the research team of the Department of Finance, who professionally fill me with useful knowledge, which is undoubtedly on a par with European, which I can say from my own experience.


Fedorov Vasily, 5th year student, FBM-13

In the yard in 2017, which means that I have been a student of Lviv Polytechnic Department of Finance for 5 years. Why finance? This choice was not obvious to me until the last moment of submission of documents. I clearly saw myself in the economic sphere, but I did not fully understand the differences between the large number of economic areas offered by Lviv Polytechnic. I had a fairly high rating required for admission (to brag a little, I was the first in the rating score among IEM freshmen) so I could and had a lot to choose from. Honestly, this choice was not completely conscious, but now that enough time has passed, I can say with confidence that it was the right one. Lviv Polytechnic was not the best university in terms of ratings (but among the best), which I studied in detail in preparation for admission, but there was and is something that subconsciously made me stay and not a moment to regret it.

The acquaintance with the Department of Finance began in the 1st year, when they introduced a very good, in my opinion, method of conducting lectures on the subject "Introduction to the profession". It consisted in the fact that almost half of the teachers of our department joined these lectures, who taught several topics from the course. This allowed me to get acquainted with the teachers of the department and form my attitude to them, and in them to us, which was quite useful in the future. Unfortunately, in the second year of study there were almost no classes with teachers of the department, but from the third year we began a fruitful cooperation with the department in a good atmosphere.

Teachers of my native department helped me to gain deep theoretical knowledge and, most importantly, practical skills in basic disciplines that will allow me to find myself in the labor market. Every teacher here is a professional not only in his narrow specialization, but also has deep knowledge in all areas of financial science. Therefore, you can ask any teacher in any field of finance without hesitation and you will not be left without a reasonable answer. I really appreciate the fact that teachers at the Department of Finance respect, value the individuality and opinion of each, and students who earn a master's degree are considered practically colleagues with whom you can discuss various topics and professionally discuss current economic issues. Virtually every teacher here is taught at 100% and provides a level of knowledge of the best European universities. I saw this in my own experience, because I also get a master's degree from the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow (AkademiaGórniczo-Hutniczaim. StanisławaStaszica), which is considered one of the best technical universities in Europe.

That is, the Department of Finance conducts intensive international cooperation, in particular in cooperation with the Mining and Metallurgical Academy in Krakow under the double degree program, which allowed in 2016 eleven students of our department (including me) to study abroad. At first glance, it seemed that studying in Poland would be difficult, especially given the language factor. Although having studied for 1 year in Poland, I can safely say that the basic knowledge gained at Lviv Polytechnic, given to us by teachers of our department, as well as language courses at the Polytechnic, helped to successfully complete the first year and show high results. The Ukrainian side did everything in its power to make us feel comfortable in a foreign university, and Polish teachers perceived us as professionals with a high level of training. Our universal knowledge in the field of banking, insurance, analysis of the activities of enterprises, which helped us to easily adapt to the Polish realities without much effort and to pass exams, was especially appreciated.

In addition to training, the double degree program allowed to gain invaluable experience, meet new interesting people, gave the opportunity to travel around Europe without problems and high costs and just have a good time and return home with impressions.

I would like to express special gratitude to the teachers of the department who understand and support our studies at two universities and allow us to work on an individual schedule, giving interesting tasks to compare the functioning of finance in Poland and Ukraine; opportunities to learn from the experience of economic development of Poland, as a country of the European Union, to get stuck in the current complex realities of Ukraine's economic development to improve them. I am very happy that I made the right choice, choosing the Department of Finance, and I will always remember my Alma Mater and the teachers who did their best to raise me to be a professional and a true patriot.



I, Anna Hryhoruk, am studying at Lviv Polytechnic at the Department of Finance for the third year and I did not regret that I chose our department.

Teachers know their disciplines at a high level, write manuals, look for new teaching methods, so that we, the students, could easily and interestingly absorb new information.

I thank the department for meetings with people from different fields of professional activity (with financiers working at enterprises, with employees of the Lviv City Council and Lviv Regional State Administration, with managers of banks and insurance companies), and among them are graduates of our department. It is very informative!

In addition to thorough knowledge, the Department of Finance provides an opportunity for each student to realize himself. Couples are not just activities that need to be practiced, they are lively, full of multimedia materials, interactive lecture tasks and practical classes that are extremely exciting and interesting. Teachers of the department are able to interest and set students up for fruitful work.

Teachers are professionals who inspire scientific work. Students have the opportunity to cooperate in the scientific field, to pass various interviews and internships, which shows the level of the department. A special thank you to the teaching staff of the department for the friendly atmosphere, thank you for your understanding and help. And, of course, for the knowledge that gives confidence and allows you to go further, set goals and achieve them!


Studying at the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic is a school of life, success, emotions, raising the level of "background"!

Iryna Khoma, Master of Finance

All great discoveries begin with a small and uncertain step, which we take towards our dreams, despite the obstacles.

I was lucky enough to choose the desired specialty and study at one of the best universities in the country. If you analyze my years spent here, I can say that I am proud of my choice. I received a bachelor's degree from the Department of Finance of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, and without hesitation decided to continue my studies.

Studying at the Department of Finance is a school of life, which, in addition to thorough knowledge, allows you to form as a person. An environment that, once you get here, doesn't give you a chance to take a step back. You communicate with teachers, work side by side with them at conferences, see how they work and understand - this is the bar, you can not below.

The university opened up an opportunity for me to deepen my already acquired knowledge and become a student of the Stanisław Staszyc Academy of Mining in Cracow (under the double degree program). Emotions are only positive! Open learning process, continuous work in groups, thanks to which you understand that people are inspiring and want to become a professional even faster. You will not be bored on the weekend either, because Krakow is a good city from which you can plan trips.

This year I took part in the Leopolis for future program and will be doing an internship at the Polish bank Nest Bank this summer. This would not have happened if not for the international cooperation of the Department of Finance and the persistent desire not only to provide theoretical knowledge, but also to help see the work of foreign companies with their own eyes.

For me, Lviv Polytechnic is a success, emotions, raising the level of "background". When you come here, a half-empty glass becomes completely full. As for advice for future students, remember - the best choose the best!


Khrystyna Sadovska, Network Support and Product Development Specialist


I studied at Lviv Polytechnic during 2011-2016. Over the years, I have personally been able to see that the university is truly one of the best in Ukraine and maintains its level with dignity.

Of course, the first years were difficult, because a lot of new information, acquaintances and impressions. However, over time, you begin to get used to, as well as to everything new. And for this I should thank the teachers of my home department of finance, who during all the years of study have always supported and helped, which made learning easy. Everyone tried to find their own approach to the lecture, how to convey knowledge to us, and everyone found it special and interesting. Couples passed quickly, because it was not in the format of outlined and forgotten or memorized and passed, but there were constant discussions, students were involved in the learning process, taught to think and form their own opinions.

The university trains specialists at a high level and, after graduating, you realize that you wasted your time, and you have great prospects ahead with a lot of knowledge!



I, Solomiya Papirnyk, study at the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" at the Department of Finance. I can say that I was very lucky. Why, you ask? First of all, when I first went to university, and it was the day of submitting documents, I liked how the process of accepting documents was organized. Secondly, I can't help but remember the first day of study for freshmen at the university. This is an indescribably beautiful holiday that I will probably remember for the rest of my life. And the number of students that Lviv Polytechnic has is also a kind of record. After all, about 35,000 students are cool. Of course, all institutes and departments in them deserve respect, but the Department of Finance is the best for me personally. Many teachers have doctorates and PhDs, which is very important. It is a pleasure to work and develop comprehensively with such people. When you need help with this or that issue, no one will refuse you. And this is where you can achieve great success in learning. I am currently studying in the 3rd year, so I want to thank all the teachers. You are cool!!!

I recommend the Department of Finance to everyone! And if you want to become a successful financier, then come to study at Lviv Polytechnic, you will not regret it.


Master Abramchuk N.

For senior students and teachers of the Department of Finance, representatives of the international auditing and consulting company "PwC Ukraine" organize a presentation of their activities and employment and career opportunities. The meeting took place in the recently opened office of PwC in Lviv with the assistance of teachers of the department.

It is worth noting that PwC is one of the four world leaders in auditing, taxation, transaction support and business consulting. PwC has been present on the Ukrainian market since 1993 and recently announced the opening of a Service Center in Lviv that will focus on serving Central and Eastern Europe. In the next few years, the Center plans to attract more than 350 specialists.

The company provides real employment opportunities for students and graduates. A young team and a high level of professionalism, international experience and internship programs, a high level of corporate culture, modern trainings, flexible work schedule and individual approach are the main advantages of PwC Ukraine, which students were introduced to during the meeting.

Students had the opportunity to talk to the Director General of the Lviv branch of PwC Ukraine, a representative of the Human Resources Department and the Director of the Audit Department.

Accordingly, the presentation of the Lviv branch of PwC Ukraine, its strategy, main goals and values ​​were presented. Students learned about the basic requirements for candidates wishing to join the PwC team: higher economic education, knowledge of foreign languages, the desire to acquire new knowledge and professional skills. Students were told in detail about the main activities of the Center, namely: performing a wide range of professional tasks for audit, tax and consulting projects PwC. During the presentation of the company, students actively asked questions and answered questions from company employees. At the end of the meeting, students were asked to take a control test to test their knowledge. Having an extremely wide base of knowledge gained over the years of study from real professionals of the Department of Finance, students easily coped with the task.

Summing up, it should be said that the Department of Finance gives its students a lot: the necessary theoretical knowledge and skills to apply them in practice, provides an opportunity for internships at both Ukrainian enterprises and world-class enterprises. The students who took part in the meeting with the representatives of PwC Ukraine express their gratitude to the teachers of the Department of Finance for the opportunity.


Lviv Polytechnic is such a native and beloved of all Hogwarts, and the Department of Finance is nothing but Gryffindor, which teaches the best, bravest and noblest magicians-financiers, according to Master Strypa Nazar

I never managed to pack my bags. I always collected more things for myself than my acquaintances, and then I tried to get it all to the station. And when I once again went to Poland, I took with me all this huge luggage and luggage of knowledge gained at Lviv Polytechnic. Can you imagine how hard it was for me?

Although no, in reality there was nothing difficult in Poland itself. After all, in battle it is always easy. Not that I went to fight with the Poles, but rather to win good marks at the Stanisław Staszyc Mining and Metallurgical Academy in Krakow. To do this, he took with him a machine loaded with formulas from the financial market, a bulletproof vest composed of abstracts of lectures on finance, as well as several grenades that will shed light on financial analysis… I can not even imagine how I missed this at the customs border.

Despite the fact that Polish is taught there, I am prepared for it, because the Polytechnic gave me all the necessary knowledge, including both profile and language skills. At the same time, I would like to express my special gratitude to my native Department of Finance, whose teachers have been teaching me all these years and trying to teach me something so that I can then proudly go to Poland, Germany, the United States.

You know, when I first came to Krakow, for some reason I remembered Harry Potter in passing. I imagined that I had come to another university to defend the honor of the Polytechnic in the Fire Cup competition. I hope there is no need to explain that in this comparison the Polytechnic is such a native and beloved Hogwarts, and the Department of Finance is nothing but Gryffindor, which teaches the best, bravest and noblest magicians-financiers, who with one movement of a magic wand can save the enterprise to recover, and the tendencies of the international capital market to analyze, and even to make the budget of huge corporation.

So, the first stage of the tournament is a fight with a dragon. We found the Polish dragon friendly, so we didn't even have to fight him. The teachers are very kind, friendly and loyal to the students. If it weren't for the language, you might even think they're from our finance department. They gave us a golden egg with knowledge that will be useful to us in the future (by the way, it turned out that some of the disciplines we have taught at the Polytechnic, and here only repeated in another language and according to other standards).

The second stage is a lake with mermaids. I call it the "lake of accounting." Because this collaboration program is designed primarily for accountants and accountants, we as financiers needed to adjust to all these accounts, debits, loans and more. Fortunately, the financier is a universal specialty, because we know accounting, marketing, insurance, and everything that exists in the financial system of any country. Therefore, swimming in this lake was not that difficult.

Well, the last stage is a maze. After all, the labor market is a real labyrinth with its nooks and crannies, many turns, forks, as well as hedge walls, which is also moving. However, if you are an expert in your field, if you have taken a responsible approach to learning all these years, if you have listened to the advice of teachers and also engaged in scientific activities in your spare time, the walls of this maze, feeling your confidence, will move in front of you the road to such a coveted prize.

I'm not afraid of this maze. After all, Lviv Polytechnic taught me a lot, gave me the necessary base of skills and sorcery. Gave professional knowledge of the European standard. Gave an opportunity for self-development and scientific activity. She gave a high professional qualification. In the end, she gave unforgettable good memories. And now, if suddenly something goes wrong and I meet dementors in my life, I will remember the time spent with classmates at the Department of Finance, because this time is full of hope, joy, happiness and desire to live.


The Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic provides many opportunities for young ambitious students to develop, self-improvement, participate in research and practical activities!

I am currently studying at the 5th year of the Department of Finance at Lviv Polytechnic National University, majoring in Corporate Finance. This specialty allows me to master the information necessary to know all the intricacies of not only the company but also banks and insurance companies.

The knowledge gained during conscientious study at the Department of Finance at the Lviv Polytechnic National University became extremely necessary for my current work as an economist at the printing company "Diz-Art", because it is thanks to the baggage of knowledge gained from highly qualified teachers, professionals was able to get the desired job.

The Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic National University provides many opportunities for young ambitious students to develop, self-improvement, participate in research and exploration activities, in solving current issues of modern administrative and financial management.

I would like to express a special thank you to the teaching staff of the department for the friendly atmosphere and creative approach to learning, thank you for your understanding and help. And, of course, for the knowledge that gives confidence and allows you to go further, set goals and achieve them!

December Zoryana Yaroslavivna,

Master of FBSS Group - 12, 2018


My dream has come true - I study at the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic and work in the company of the "Big Four" - KPMG!

Master Tkachuk Galina

Probably the biggest dream of a graduate of any economic specialty is to get a job in one of the companies of the "Big Four". My dream has come true! As a fourth-year student at the Department of Finance, I got a job at KPMG. Anyone who has ever been looking for a job and wanted to get a job in an international company knows how difficult and long this process is. On my way to the dream, I passed two tests and three interviews, and spent two months of my time. Honestly, consulting work is extremely difficult: constant overtime, many projects, strict deadlines and procedures that must be followed, and most importantly - the ability to multitask.

It is much easier to work in such conditions when there is a necessary knowledge base. This is exactly the knowledge I needed in practice, I learned while studying disciplines at the Department of Finance, Lviv Polytechnic. Having received specific tasks at work, I realized how necessary the disciplines of financial analysis, taxation, financial rehabilitation, financial activities of businesses and finance itself were necessary.

The most important thing for every professional is the development and self-improvement of every day. The Department of Finance has been a good platform for me to start a successful career in consulting and can be one for every student who will make an effort and constantly improve.

I am currently a fifth-year student at the Department of Finance, continuing my work in the field of tax and accounting consulting, while studying under the auspices of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Therefore, all those who are still hesitant in choosing an educational institution or department want to wish to make the right decision, stubbornly go to your goal and remember that "Sky is limit!"


Choosing a future profession is a step into adulthood and independent living!

Tykha Olga Ivanivna, Leading Specialist of the Department of Social Security Financing and Social Protection Programs of the Department of Finance of the Financial Policy Department of the Lviv City Council.

Choosing a future profession is a step into adulthood and independent living, choosing a higher education institution is a lottery, because only at the end of your studies you can determine the correctness of such a choice. I was lucky to choose the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Professional, rich and diverse organization of the educational process, constant support of teachers allowed to gain knowledge and skills for further professional development. I work in my specialty, I love my job and I remember the years at the university with pleasant nostalgia. The staff of the Department of Finance are real professionals, teachers and psychologists, whose approach and guidelines have inspired new achievements and instilled faith in themselves. There were always reliable mentors with us who could support, advise and guide the young and inexhaustible energy of students in the right direction.


The first career steps in PJSC "Kredobank" with a degree in finance from Lviv Polytechnic!

Master Saveliev Yuriy

After graduating from school 5 years ago and successfully passing the external examination, he hesitated for a long time where to put the original documents. But still stopped at the National University "Lviv Polytechnic". There were many specialties, but I chose "finance and credit", and did not regret it.

The Department of Finance provides students with basic knowledge, which becomes the key to their further development. The knowledge base obtained at the university allows you to feel confident in class and easily pass the session "excellent". Teaching certain subjects in English is an invaluable experience and good practice. Couples pass with great interest, because they are filled with interactive tasks and digital materials.

Thanks to the diploma of the financier, graduates have the opportunity to get a job in many fields.

In my first year of graduate school, I started my first career steps. After an interview with PJSC "Kredobank", he got a job in the electronic archive department. It is not easy to combine study and work, but nothing in life is easy.

Teachers of the department are qualified and responsive people, open to discussions, always ready to help and answer questions of interest at any time: in lectures and after it.

I would like to thank the management of the Department of Finance, all the teaching staff: thanks to you, your level of responsibility, honesty, initiative and discipline. I have achieved high academic achievements and self-confidence!


Made the right choice!

As a master of finance, he combines study and work in an international company

Nestle Business Service Lviv

Onishchak Lilia, Master of Finance

For every graduate and entrant, the moment of choosing a higher education institution is important, because it will affect their future. I remember five years ago, when after receiving the results of the external evaluation, I hesitated for a long time where to put the original documents. My choice fell on the Lviv Polytechnic National University, namely - the Department of Finance.

The Department of Finance of LPNU in addition to thorough knowledge provides an opportunity for each student to realize themselves. Couples are not just activities that need to be practiced, they are lively, full of multimedia materials, interactive lecture tasks and practical classes that are extremely exciting and interesting. Students have the opportunity to listen to courses in English, which is an invaluable experience and good practice. Teachers of the department are able to interest and set students up for fruitful work.

Teachers of the department are professionals who inspire scientific work. Students have the opportunity to cooperate in the scientific field, to pass various interviews and internships, which shows the level of the department.

The diploma of the Department of Finance provides employment opportunities in many fields, as the range of disciplines we study is quite large. After graduating from the Department of Finance, I began my first career steps. After going through all the stages of selection, I was hired by the international company Lviv Nestle Business Service as an accountant. Honestly, combining study and work is not an easy task, because the amount of material that needs to be mastered both at work and at school is very large. But nothing in life is easy. You need to work on yourself and your victories.

I am extremely grateful to the Department of Finance for the knowledge base it has given me, thanks to which I have the opportunity to try myself in a large international company. I am glad that I made the right choice five years ago, because the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic is a huge range of opportunities for students who are ready to learn something new and are focused on fruitful work and results.

The native department of finance is a treasure trove of knowledge!

Knowledge and self-development is the most valuable contribution that a person can make, according to the master

Piuyn Julia

The period of studenthood is the brightest, most important and most unforgettable time of human life, because in this period you go through the formation of yourself, yourself. One of the best places to achieve the necessary achievements is the Lviv Polytechnic National University, where I have a chance to spend my best years of life. Here I have the opportunity to gain invaluable baggage of skills, knowledge and abilities for further life victories.

For some reason, learning helps to find and replenish your life with good faithful friends. And this is very important, because the memories of dormitory life are filled with unforgettable pleasant emotions. A team of peers is a harmonious combination of fun and learning, where everyone, with understanding and respect, will support each other.

Lviv Polytechnic gave me the opportunity to make my studies interesting and diverse, to realize myself in scientific conferences, student exchange programs. I had the opportunity to study in parallel in Poland and I thank you for this opportunity. This gave me the opportunity not only to gain new knowledge, experience, but also to travel to European countries, learn about the culture and traditions of other countries, develop language skills and make new friends.

Our native department of finance has become a treasure trove of knowledge for us. This diverse training is in great demand in the labor market and is highly valued by employers. I thank the teachers of the university for their hard work, patience and understanding, for the ability to educate good and qualified staff, for the desire to convey and pass on their knowledge to us, the students.


Not just financial education, but the door to a bright future!

Wozniak Tatiana, Master of Finance

Student time is something that is not erased in memory, lost among the many life events, something that retains all the bright colors over time. And of course, the environment in which this time will pass is extremely important, namely the university and the native department.

I am currently studying in the 5th year of the Department of Finance at Lviv Polytechnic National University, specialty Corporate Finance. And I will never regret my choice!

The baggage of knowledge I received from the teachers helped me to win various competitions, programs, and conferences. The experience gained during practical classes will help to become a competent specialist in the modern labor market.

In addition, during my studies, many opportunities opened up for me. I am currently studying for a double degree program at the Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy by Stanislaw Staszyc. The knowledge base obtained at my home university helps me to pass the session and get excellent points without any obstacles. And the opportunity to study in Poland, to communicate with foreigners helps to improve my language skills, which are necessary for modern life.

I recently took part in the program “Leopolis for future” and won the opportunity to do an internship for a month in the Polish Bank “Nest Bank”. In my opinion, the internship will be a powerful impetus for my future career. And I owe my victory to the teaching staff of the department because they were the main reason for my success. People who not only shared information but also learned to use it skillfully. Their contribution to my development as a professional cannot be overestimated.

Advice for future students of the Department of Finance in Lviv Polytechnic from Master Batiuk Maryana

Having received a bachelor's degree in finance from Lviv Polytechnic National University, I had no doubts about choosing a higher education institution to pursue a master's program. After 4 years of study, I was able to fully see that the Department of Finance is not only a chance to get economic education at the European level, but also an opportunity for continuous comprehensive development!

Summing up, I would like to give some advice to future students of the Department of Finance. First, if you want to succeed in your chosen profession, start working actively, join scientific work and participate in student conferences and competitions. All this will help you in the future.

Secondly, appreciate the time within the walls of the native department of finance, because it is a unique opportunity not only to study but also to communicate and receive advice from its highly qualified teaching staff.

And finally, be confident, because you are a student of one of the best departments of finance in Ukraine!

Do not be afraid to try yourself in various competitions and internships!

This is an opportunity that will give you not only new knowledge but also an unforgettable experience.

An internship at the international auditing company KPMG in Warsaw is an important step for financial development and a great start to your future career!

Batyuk Mariana, Master of Finance

Many conferences, competitions, contests, and internship programs are just a small part of the wide range of perspectives that open up to students of the Department of Finance. Everyone has the opportunity to express themselves, and teachers are always ready to support and give professional advice. They are real professionals who know how to present interesting material and turn an ordinary couple into a lively discussion.

The solid knowledge and experience I gained in the process of learning became the key to my further development. I am currently studying for a double degree program at the Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy by Stanislaw Staszyc. The knowledge base obtained at the home university allows you to feel confident in class and easily pass the session perfectly. In addition, it is a great chance to feel in a new cultural environment, improve your knowledge of foreign languages and make new friends.

International relations of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, and the Department of Finance in particular, allowed me to participate in the program “Leopolis for Future”. Thanks to this, I got a chance to do a three-month internship at the international auditing company KPMG in Warsaw. I consider this an important step for my further development in the field of finance and a great start for my future career.


Quality education at the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic is a successful career growth!

Jacyk Maria, Master of Finance

The teachers of my department are real professionals and are always happy to share their knowledge with students. They are friendly and concerned about our success and professional development. That is why we are students, actively participate in conferences, competitions, various programs and participate in writing scientific works.

Indeed, the knowledge I have gained is an invaluable treasure and a successful investment in the future.

Also, I am very impressed by the fact that teachers often invite employees of various banks, companies, insurance companies, and others so that we can talk to them, ask about everything we are interested in and understand the mechanism of work in companies from within. Of course, students who perform well in education and have a great desire for knowledge can not only do internships in leading companies but also have a high chance of further employment and successful career growth.


Graduate of the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic GANDZYUK YURIY about his master's degree in UNIVERSITY OF MANNHEIM (Germany)

Teaching method. Lectures in all subjects are given with the help of a projector and presentations. PDF files of these presentations (simply called lecture notes) are the main syllabus for students and are available online. During the lecture, students make some notes about what the lecturer says but what is not on the slides. Some students print lecture notes and take notes on them, next to the slide to which the lecturer's comment relates. Some students write down on laptops. Some students write in notebooks. In lectures, the teacher often asks questions to the audience, but the answers to these questions do not affect the assessment.

In addition to lectures, there are also practical, but not in all subjects. There are subjects that have only lectures. Lectures are given by a professor, and practical ones are conducted by a Teaching Assistant (abbreviated TA) - students who are hired (with a salary) of the department in order to assist the professor in conducting practical examinations. Typically, master's students conduct practical undergraduates, and Ph.D. students conduct practical undergraduates. It is clear that the positions of Teaching Assistant take only strong students.

On practical to a board does not cause, all problems are solved by TA and answer questions of students. Tasks to practical (Problem set) is uploaded to the portal as a virtual environment about a week before the practical lesson and students are encouraged to try to solve them yourself before the lesson.

Exams and assessments. Attendance at lectures and practicals no one checks. Theoretically, you can skip all the lectures and practicals, then go to the exam and pass to the maximum. But in practice, it is not very real. Therefore, attendance in pairs is usually high.

Most subjects have only one final exam, on which 100% of the grade depends. There is no such thing as a "stream". There are no oral components either: you have what grade you wrote in the final exam. However, there may be an intermediate exam in some subjects, which will determine approximately 30% of the grade. Some items may also have a Case Study or presentation. If there are presentations, then all students must make the same and a predetermined number of presentations, ie there can be no one student who has more presentations than others. Everyone has the same number of chances, so it is impossible to get a higher score due to activity.

The exam grade is given not only for the percentage of correct answers to the ticket task, but also depending on how the whole stream of students wrote this exam. This approach allows professors to give "Olympic" type exams, ie ones that cannot be completely solved. In this way, professors have the opportunity to see how students can solve more complex, non-standard tasks based on the knowledge they have acquired while studying the discipline. Then the student who scored the most points is given the highest grade, and everyone else is evaluated in relation to his level (ie a relative grade is used like our EIT). For example, last semester in the discipline of Advanced The econometrics exam was so difficult that it was enough to get 65% of the correct answers to get a score of 1.3 (equivalent to a score of 95 from 100). But only a small number of students managed to get these 65% correct answers. Also, this method of grading ensures that students must carefully study relatively light (in terms of content) subjects. I was told that from one relatively easy subject (Investments) the exam work with 81% of correct answers received a score of 3.0, which is equivalent to a score of 66 from 100. If everyone writes the exam well, then every mistake in the exam begins to play a critical role.

At the exam, all students have the same tasks, ie there is only one version of the exam ticket. But this one ticket is very different from previous years (perhaps the structure may be similar). Teachers publish exam assignments from previous years (usually two years) online so that students can practice. The fact that the tickets differ significantly from year to year, ensures that the student, having exam tickets of previous years, will not be able to pass a new exam, having studied only the tasks of previous years.

For all exams (regardless of whether the professor wants to make them relatively easy or "Olympic"), the tasks given in the exam are different from those in practice. Thus, the student's understanding of the material is tested, not his ability to memorize the course of the solution.

As for the structure of the exam ticket, these are mostly tasks (without answer options) and open-ended questions. The only test case I've personally encountered is True / False tests, which need to be explained (if there is no correct explanation, no points are awarded). Such tests are usually insidious, testing the knowledge of details. I was also told about the case when, in addition to the tasks, there were a / b / c tests in the exam ticket, but for each incorrect answer three times more points were taken than for the correct answer - thus reducing students' motivation to guess the answers to those tests. which they did not know. Elective tasks are also an interesting approach to building an exam. That is, for example, on the exam with Advanced Microeconomics we had four mandatory tasks, and the last task could be chosen from two options: either the task of choice in conditions of uncertainty or the problem of contracting (game theory). Another interesting approach is the task, which provides a table with the results of regression for different specifications of the model (the table is taken from a certain scientific article that was not included in homework - such a task was on the exam with Investments). In this task, students are asked several questions that involve the analysis of the results presented in the table. I can't say anything special about the ticket structure from more "humanitarian" disciplines (where there is nothing to give tasks to), because I don't have such disciplines in my specialty.

In addition to the exam, there is a completely equivalent retake. That is, you can get any grade on the transfer, not just "satisfactory". You can go to the retake only when the grade is "not". That is, it is impossible to pass from a satisfactory assessment to an excellent one. That's why sometimes students who write the main exam, but see that they are doing poorly, cancel their exam work completely during the exam, and then try to pass the desired grade again, although this is not always possible, so this strategy is risky). The main examination session in the autumn semester - in December, reruns - in early February.

Approach to the study of finance. At the University of Mannheim’s study of finance is essentially based on mathematics. It is necessary to understand the concepts of covariance, variance, regression, and assumptions, which are used to estimate the parameters of MNCs, derivatives, and multiplication of matrices - this knowledge is assumed for the base. An interesting difference from finance in Ukraine is that subjects that focus on the analysis of financial statements in Germany are classified as Accounting, not Finance. Finance includes only items related to the markets of stocks, bonds, derivatives, corporate financing, etc.

From the point of view of finance as a science, it is believed that finance is an applied microeconomics. For example, this semester I have a compulsory Corporate course Finance Research, where we review the key articles that have had the greatest impact on the development of the science of corporate finance (since the 50's). Most of these articles are based on game theory (for example, how shareholders interact with each other) and econometric analysis of processes (for example, how CEOs’personal characteristics and corporate characteristics affect CEOs' salaries).

An interesting feature of my master’s program (Master in Business Research) are Workshops Area Seminar, which brings together Ph.D. students and most teachers of the department. External scholars (mostly from the USA, Canada and Germany) are invited to these seminars and present their new research for 90 minutes. A discussion is also underway during the presentation. In the field of Finance, such seminars are held approximately 10 times per semester.

In general, in Germany, as in the new classification in Ukraine, economics and business administration are clearly separated, so most universities offer separate programs for economics and business. But because research in finance is considered to be closely related to economics, in the first semester I had two compulsory subjects along with Master's students in Economics: Advanced Microeconomics (10 credits) and Advanced Econometrics (10 credits). Also in the first semester, I had a compulsory subject Investments (6 credits). At Investments we considered μ-σ Preferences, Risk Measures, Portfolio Theory, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory, CAPM and APT testing, Fama / French 3-factor model, Carhart 4-factor model and rarer specifications, information efficiency of markets, active management.

This (spring) semester I have two compulsory subjects: Empirical Finance (10 credits) and Corporate Finance Research (6 credits). Empirical Finance focuses on the application of econometrics in working with financial data. An interesting feature of this subject is also that it includes Case Studies. Case Study is performed by a team of 2-3 students, and involves working with real financial data such as statistics on return on equity or return on mutual funds) in the United States. Data analysis is performed in the Stata program. In Empirical classes Finance is not taught to work with this program, you need to figure it out yourself. Also to Case Study does not have a manual that explains how to complete the task. There is only a problem statement and some tips in complex tasks. That is, the student has only knowledge from the lecture Empirical Finance, where the basic concepts are presented, the rest the student has to figure out himself. The position of teachers on this method of teaching is that for the development of analytical skills it is necessary to find solutions to problems by students themselves, rather than following clear instructions. Because of this approach, Case execution Study, for example, in my team, where there are three people, takes 40 to 60 hours of group work (ie 120-180 man-hours). For Case Study is given two weeks to complete, so it is possible to complete. Score for Case Study is 45% of the total score for the discipline Empirical Finance.

In general, studying in Germany is characterized by the fact that the main responsibility for studying the subject lies with the student. This is also reflected in the distribution of credit between independent work and work in the classroom. Most of the hours are devoted to independent work, and therefore the subject of 10 credits usually has only 6 academic hours of work in the classroom per week.

In Germany, the leading master's programs in economics (Munich, Bonn, Mannheim) and finance (Mannheim, Frankfurt) are in English. The question may arise as to why these programs are not taught in German. Perhaps the most obvious reason is the desire of German universities to attract more foreign students. However, another important factor is that English is the main language of economics and finance. Teaching English allows you to use English books and scientific articles as the main material at hand. Historically, the strongest schools of economics and business have emerged in the United States and the United Kingdom. It is difficult to write a textbook that will be more powerful than a textbook written by professors from MIT or London Business School. Also, the most powerful scientific journals and key scientific articles in these fields are published in English. Therefore, postgraduate studies in economics and finance in Germany are also English-speaking (at least in leading universities).

Of the electives I have Bond this semester Markets and International Asset Management. The lecturer from International Asset Management - practitioner, head of Equity & Asset Allocation in Swiss Life Asset Managers. Demonstrated individual lecture files for Swiss clients at lectures Life Asset Managers. I used to think that in practice finance doesn't need as much econometrics and mathematics as, for example, research. But it turned out that asset management requires knowledge of those models that previously seemed unreasonably complex.

The structure of the master's program. Subjects generally have 6-10 credits, ie during the semester, the student studies 3-5 subjects (depending on the subjects and the number of their credits). No one forces students to choose disciplines for exactly 30 credits in one semester, the main thing is to get 120 credits for the entire period of a master's degree. Students can take less credit (I personally took only 26 credits in the first semester), maybe more. But from what I've seen, taking more than 32 credits is a bad idea, even for strong students. No one is forcing students to complete a master's degree in 4 semesters. You can take breaks for a semester or two (for example, to go on an internship), you can just take fewer credits each semester. The maximum duration of the master's degree is 7 semesters.

At the University of Mannheim has two master's programs in business (besides MBA): Master in Management and Master in Business Research. Both programs last 2 years and have 120 credits.

The Master in Management enrolls about 350 students in the Master in Business Research - 20 (I study Business Research).

Each of the programs is divided into areas: Finance, Accounting, Taxation, Marketing, Management, Operations Management, and Information Systems. Master Students in Business Research must choose their field before entering the master's program (my field is Finance). Master Students in Management simply choose subjects from the areas they like.

In the Master in Management has 28 credits of compulsory subjects, a master's thesis of 30 credits and still need to pass a seminar of 6 credits before the master's thesis depending on its topic. The remaining 56 credits are electives.

Master in Business Research is a less flexible program: 94 credits of required courses and 15 credits for a master's thesis. But the fact is that most of the required subjects depend on the field (Finance, Accounting, etc.) the student entered. That is, actually a Master student in Business Research selects a block of electives before admission. In the first year of the Master program in Business Research students study subjects at the master's level, and in the second year - study Ph.D. -level subjects together with postgraduate students in the relevant field, in particular, I (as a student of Finance) will have the following Ph.D. disciplines: Mathematics for Economists, Advanced Microeconomics I, Advanced Econometrics I, Discrete Finance, Corporate Finance, Econometrics for Financial Markets, Behavioral Finance and master's thesis.

Studying in the library and motivating students. An interesting feature of German universities (not only University of Mannheim) is something that students spend a lot of time in university libraries. The University of Mannheim has about 12,000 students. In all buildings of the library together there are more than 2 thousand workplaces with sockets, that is, in principle, the opportunity to study in the library is provided with a plus or minus. But during the exam session, you still have to come in the morning to take a seat, because after 10-11 am there are usually no more seats. Libraries are open from 8 am to 11 pm. Before and during the exam session, the main building of the library is open from 8 am to 1 am, which is especially good for owl students who like to sleep longer in the morning but study until late at night.

Students prefer to study in the library for a variety of reasons. First, there is nothing distracting in the library: everyone is learning, and you are also learning. Second, you can use windows between pairs to your advantage. Thirdly, studying in the library allows you not to sit within the four walls of your dormitory, but to study in a favorable environment of a kind of co-working. In general, intensive preparation for the session (7-8 hours a day 6-7 days a week) begins about 6 weeks before the exam session. There are students who prepare 3-4 weeks before the session, but their performance is usually not very good.

What makes graduate students sacrifice so much time and effort for good subjects? The most common reason - in Germany, employers (and even more so, the selection committee at the entrance to graduate school) look at the estimates. Prestigious companies even automatically weed out candidates whose grades are worse than a certain level (for example, 2.0, which is equivalent to 83  from 100). It should also be borne in mind that those students who continue to study for a master's degree in Germany, usually like to study and enter a master's degree to accelerate their development (because a bachelor's degree is enough to work). In Germany, it is common for a student to take a gap after a bachelor’s degree year and goes to work for a year. I have personally met people who resigned from a good job in Frankfurt to pursue a master's degree. It is clear that these people are clearly motivated to finish their master's degree well, and then find an even better job with qualitatively new perspectives. The same goes for postgraduate studies: only the most able-bodied students go to Ph.D., the competition is strong. Only excellent students and students with "good" grades can enter, who will be able to prove their "excellent" potential.


Roman Lepak - Director of the Department of PJSC "KREDOBANK", Ph.D. in Economics, a graduate of the Department of Finance in 2000

The influence of the Department of Finance on my formation as a professional in the field of finance and banking is difficult to overestimate.

As my hometown or village is often called a "small homeland", the Department of Finance is for me a "small alma mater". When you remember the years of study at Lviv Polytechnic, you often think of interesting lectures, lively discussions in practical classes, and communication with teachers in the classrooms and offices of the native Department of Finance. their high level of qualification and pedagogical talents depends on whether the student understands not only the theory but also the essence of finance, and the structure and logic of the financial mechanism. Most of your teachers are remembered with warmth and respect, even years later, and meeting at the university or at a scientific event - you are sincerely happy as a good friend. Having started working immediately after graduating from university and pursuing a career from specialist to director of one of the leading banks with European capital, I constantly used both the knowledge gained during training and the skills of scientific research, hypothesis testing, continuous professional development. I would like to single out the great influence that Professor Alekseev had on the formation of my economic worldview. Despite his high employment as the head of the department, Ihor Valentynovych always found time for his students to have a thoughtful and deep conversation about finances. It was under the influence of Professor Alekseiev that the first scientific article was written in the collection of student works, he took part in the first conference, and decided to enter graduate school. It was under his scientific guidance that I worked on my dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences, which I successfully defended. its teachers will help to form as professionals, choose the closest specialization and start building a career path in senior courses.

Luchko Halyna - Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Management Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic National University

As part of my dissertation research on "Formation and implementation of investment strategies by derivatives market participants" in the specialty 08.00.08 - Money, Finance and Credit, I worked closely with teachers and management of the Department of Finance.

I would like to note the excellent teaching staff of the department. There is a strong team of highly qualified teachers, and professionals in their field, who can always be consulted for advice and assistance. I was especially impressed by the sincerity and friendliness of the teaching staff, the desire to share innovative ideas and experiences. I am very grateful to the teachers of the Department of Finance for their professional recommendations and advice! I would like to express special gratitude to the head of the Department of Finance Alekseiev Igor Valentinovich for support and professional advice!

I wish the department successful development, I hope for support and further successful cooperation!

Elena Dzyuban-Beley, a graduate of the Department of Finance!

Today it is a bit difficult to remember in detail what to write about my studies at Lviv Polytechnic National University, because it was 2001-2005 a long time ago, although I am still grateful for my very early realization that in order to achieve something, you need to work regularly, not from time to time.

Only a few years after graduation you realize that at the department we were taught the realities of life and business, only in miniature. Since then, I know for sure that you will have to "pay" for each "freebie" in your work (which is worth rewriting the abstracts with three different pens for lectures), that the nuances are important; you need to clearly understand your goal to achieve it (for example, do you often think about where you see yourself in 5 years?); You can always negotiate with people if you sincerely want something (I worked from the third year and the teachers always went to a meeting on a flexible schedule of visits).

Since graduating from university I have worked in various fields, but each time understanding the financial processes gives me confidence and for that I thank Lviv Polytechnic National University.

And I am always happy when I meet my diploma project manager, as if you are meeting an old friend :). For me, this means that the time spent at the Lviv Polytechnic National University, in particular at the Department of Finance, was worth it.

I wish you to remember your studies with gratitude and a smile!


Oleg Demkiv

Director of the Department of Finance of the Lviv Regional State Administration

Working for more than 30 years in the field of public finance, I have always been aware of the need to constantly learn, accumulate knowledge and experience, and pass on my skills to others. The result of this approach to business was that in 2006 at the Institute of Regional Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine I defended my dissertation and received the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. It so happened that fate brought me together with the head of the finance department of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Professor Igor Valentinovich Alekseiev, who was a member of the specialized scientific council for the defense of my dissertation. And it was he who invited me to join the "Polytechnic Team" to share my experience and knowledge with future financiers, which I was happy to do.

Since then, close business cooperation has begun between the Department of Finance of the Regional State Administration and the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Employees of our student department give lectures, conduct practical classes, help students write dissertations, and are often members of admissions and examination papers. commission ̆. On the other hand, teachers of the Department of Finance often gain additional ̆ practical ̆ experience in local financial authorities and participate in public discussions of the most pressing budget issues of the region. Many students of the Department of Finance have internships in financial bodies. This is the key to the fact that Polytechnic students are best prepared for competitive selection when hiring in the field of public finance in the region.


A graduate of the Department of Finance "Lviv Polytechnic National University"

Anya Venzhivska

Oooh … this is a long story of a girl from a small provincial town. Once in the main building of Lviv Polytechnic National University, I saw long lists of people wishing to enroll. What did I do? She turned and left. I will say right now - never do that, believe in yourself. In the end, I applied to the Chornovil Institute of New Technologies and Management, which was later joined by a family of polytechnics. Honestly, it's like coming to the first year again. Here I will say - that coincidences are not accidental, I was where I should be from the first day of training. What does studying at the Polytechnic give us? Maybe a guarantee of a successful career, or a mega breakthrough in science? My answer is no. You can provide this guarantee for yourself, your persistence and desire to know everything and a little more. Polytechnic will give you a team of professionals who know and love their job - they are your resource on the way to the goal. It's up to you how you use it. Ask questions, be interested in what is happening around, in the world. If you are happy to absorb what each teacher will give you: from personal qualities to the level of professionalism, you will have a little more than a diploma. You will have a vision of yourself and the confidence that I have a great foundation to start my career. What will I say in the end? I will say that do not be ashamed not to know, be ashamed not to want to learn. Good luck to all!


Olya Riznyk - a graduate of the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic National University.

Economist of Halychpharm JSC Arterium Corporation

Studying at the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic National University is a huge pleasure, it is the initial experience that will be needed in the future. Interesting lectures and useful practical ones, solving problems with the whole group in the corridors, will be something to remember for each student). And most importantly, these abstracts were useful in the future, they were easy to prepare for interviews, and, finally, could be used in the work. I am glad that I work in my specialty and when you change jobs you never know which of the notes you will have to get this time.

Teachers of the department are professionals, it's incredibly cool when a teacher-practitioner. Their experience of working directly at an enterprise, bank, insurance company or government agency is not a "dry" lecture without the prospect of further application of this knowledge. Now I could share something)) and say "teach everything, because it will come in handy". In a way, the department is a place where they will help to understand and advise, even when the study is over.


Dmytriv Mykola

Senior ̆ Transfer Pricing Consultant KPMG Ukraine Ltd 


Of course, you, the entrants, will decide to make a decision, but in order not to have to make a blind choice, as they say, I will briefly tell you about my experience and where I studied at the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic National University. How did I choose my future profession after graduation? Frankly, I didn't have an answer at that moment. I had to trust my instincts, love of mathematics, numbers and the advice of relatives and friends who connected their lives with economics and entrepreneurship. What is training like? Other than at school. I remember how from the first days it was unusual to feel the attitude towards oneself as a person and not as a teenager without one's own will and clear opinion. The openness and sincerity of teachers to us, students, contributed to the formation of a friendly atmosphere and trust, simplified problem situations and encouraged the acquisition of knowledge. Much attention was paid to extracurricular work by the teaching staff. We constantly received insights from mentors about educational events ̆ : competitions, Olympiads, conferences, summer schools, which could be a valuable baggage when writing the first CV and getting the dream job. Among other things, it is worth noting the improvement of material and technical base. For example, in the last years of study, all students of the Department of Finance received access to the electronic office, where the texts of the lecture were stored, examples of tasks and other information needed to study a particular subject. Such a resource allowed to optimize the presentation of theoretical material. Teachers, for the most part, could focus on key (practical) aspects of learning disciplines, share personal examples and experiences, instead of reading theory and reducing audience interest to zero. Where did my education at the Department of Finance take me? An unconditional advantage of mastering finance is that in addition to basic knowledge of accounting, auditing, business economics, students gain an understanding of the essence of business processes that underlie each indicator of financial reporting. Such skills led me to a work chair, where the learning process not only did not end, but also, to a large extent, continued to this point. In 2016, I started my career in consulting at KPMG Ukraine. The company is a member of the international network of KPMG International member firms, which unites 189,000 professionals in more than 150 countries. The list of the company's services includes: audit, tax and legal consulting, management consulting, merger support, business restructuring, etc. I chose the field of international taxation for myself, because I have always been interested in how multinational corporations work, where the management, production and sales divisions of such companies are concentrated ̆. The practical aspects of the work can be talked about for a long time, and maybe at this stage it will be even a little exhausting for you, but the main thing is that the profession of financier is multifaceted and does not include calculations and analysis of cash flows. If there is a desire and motivation, everyone can find a direction that will bring satisfaction, interest in self-development and, of course, provide a decent material reward. How are the prospects for future students? Economy and finance have been, remain and will be part of every society. Therefore, for those who really want to connect their lives with the profession of financier, there will always be a place in the market. To better understand where we are now and what potentially awaits us in the future, I will give a brief insight. In recent years, international businesses have increasingly resorted to reorganizing administrative (including financial) functions and creating unified service centers, the so-called Shared Delivery Centers (SDC). This year at the 8th annual E CEE Business Awards Ceremony Services Summit & Awards Lviv won in the category “Emerging CityCEE”. This means that our city with you is recognized as the best for hosting business outsourcing centers in Central and Eastern Europe. This award will promote new foreign investment and job creation for future financial graduates. By the way, Nestle’s SDC is successfully operating in Lviv, providing jobs for more than 1,500 employees. Among such new centers are SDCs based on KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC). With the deepening of European integration processes, the number of such institutions in Lviv will only grow, and at the same time the demand for employees in the field of accounting, finance, tax administration will grow.


Taras Baranetskii ̆ - a graduate of the Department of Finance in 2008, Director of the Regional Development Agency of Lviv region

Studying at the Department of Finance provides an opportunity to gain a thorough knowledge of current disciplines of budget management, banking and insurance. A feature of education, in my opinion, is the mathematical basis of subjects, which guarantees the graduate financier demand in the labor market. The "highlight" of the department is its teaching staff, which with its openness and professionalism creates a unique atmosphere when learning becomes interesting, and teachers themselves become colleagues and older friends. For 11 years of work in various fields, he has never regretted his choice to receive basic financial education. It allows you to feel confident in different environments and situations.


Mykola Cherkhavii (graduated in 2005)

Deputy Head of the Commercial Department of the State Enterprise Ukrspirt

When I went to work at Privatbank in the fifth year of study at Lviv Polytechnic, I saw an interesting tradition there: all employees (from the chairman of the board to ordinary specialists) had to read several books a quarter. And not just books... ideas and thoughts from these books had to be extrapolated to real events: improving customer service and optimizing processes in the bank itself. Such approach to work was not perceived by all. Even "old-timers" were sometimes skeptical of such "readings".... But I, a " student ", even without a master's degree, liked it. I immediately remembered how during the fourth year of study at the Department of Finance we went far beyond textbooks, dictation lectures ̆, and memorization of abstracts. We broadened our horizons with new business literature, bold discussions with teachers... and even an analysis of State’s very serious publication at the time, Postup... And I know: thanks also to THESE teachers, these programs and courses, I was able to come to the bank in 2004 as an economist, and in 2008 to become deputy director of the branch.


Markiv Iryna, Master (graduated in 2016)

I studied at the Department of Finance of the Lviv Polytechnic National University in the period 2011-2016. It was extraordinary saturation ̆ period of interesting and persistent study, unlimited scientific and practical opportunities ̆, and personal and professional development. I remember, choosing the field of study, I clearly knew that I wanted to choose the field of finance. I also had no doubts about choosing a university and made a decision during my first visit to the Polytechnic. University teachers have always inspired and motivated them to develop in-depth and take an active part in research activities. I remember the pleasant emotions during the first report at the conference in the second year, then I wanted to further develop in the scientific and practical direction. In the course of my studies, I took part in many national and international conferences, Olympiads, the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers, scholarships, and the program "Zavtra.UA", where I became a winner or won prizes. I owe my academic and scientific success to the teachers of the Department of Finance, who with their professionalism and work have always inspired learning, new ideas, and continuous development. I really liked the applied tasks, interesting projects, and useful tasks that helped to learn the material and apply it in practice. In the fifth year, I became the winner of the program “Leopolis for Future” and received a unique internship opportunity at the Abris Investment Fund Capital Partners” in Warsaw, where she had a great opportunity to gain practical skills in one of the most popular areas of finance. I also participated in the Dutch competition "Diamond Boot Camp”, thanks to which I had the opportunity to train and later work in the field of financial consulting. After graduating from university, I continue to seek and use opportunities for professional development in Ukraine and abroad. I recently won the German Scholarship by the program “The Internship Program of German Business for Ukraine” and completed an internship at the international company METRO AG. My motivation and inspiration to improve are constantly growing, and I am very grateful to the Department of Finance for a wonderful ̆ professional ̆ start, a solid knowledge base, and great opportunities.


Roman Ikonyak, owner of the Floorbest group of companies, market leader in floor and ceiling materials of all levels of complexity

Any business needs qualified personnel. Graduates of the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic work in the group of our companies. I want to note that the graduates of this department, in addition to thorough knowledge, are taught to learn, to delve into the problem, not to solve it superficially.


Russian Arthur

The Department of Finance is an opportunity to receive world-class financial education at home, in Ukraine

I was lucky enough to receive a bachelor's degree in business administration (BBA) with honors from the School of Business. Seymour Shulikha in Toronto. I decided to continue my master's studies at the Department of Finance of Lviv Polytechnic. Before the start of the school year, I was prepared to face some difficulties, as I understood that there could be significant differences between Canadian and Ukrainian curricula. However, my experiences very quickly turned out to be completely unjustified. Among my classmates, I immediately made many new friends, and the level of teaching was no lower than Western ̆. I finished the first semester with honors, and in the spring I was entrusted with the honor of representing "Polytechnic" at the All - Ukrainian ̆ student ̆ Olympiad in the discipline of "Financial and Management" in Lutsk. Thanks to the wonderful training I received at the department, I managed to become one of the winners of the Olympiad, taking 3rd place. The department gave me the opportunity to be actively involved in scientific work. My report at the All-Ukrainian Conference of Young Scientists on "Quantitative Mitigation", prepared in conjunction with Professor G.O. Partin, was awarded by the organizing committee of the conference diploma of the first degree. This inspired me to continue working on this topic and to publish the results of my research in professional journals. Extensive international relations of the department give students the chance to do an internship and get a job in many countries in Europe and the world. Thanks to the department, I got the opportunity to do an internship in the investment company Mezzanine after graduation in the summer. Management in Warsaw. I feel that in just one year of studying at the Department of Finance I have significantly improved my professional skills and made many wonderful acquaintances that will stay with me for life. The Department of Finance is an opportunity to receive world-class financial education at home, in Ukraine.


Muzychuk Inna - Master of Finance (graduated in 2017)

The main thing is not the number of entries in the workbook, but the knowledge and skills that we acquire, especially at the university.

Sooner or later, each of the students, especially in the senior year, thinks about finding a job. However, many people who take the first step to the beginning of their dream career is hindered by the absurd stereotype that without three years of experience and two diplomas of higher education, your chances of getting a decent job are zero. I want to assure you that this is far from the case. After all, the main thing is not the number of entries in the workbook, but the knowledge and skills that we acquire, especially at the university. In fact, the huge influence on the formation of the future specialist in each of us is exercised by the university, or more precisely - the department for which you are directly studying. Entering Lviv Polytechnic National University 5 years ago, I hesitated for a long time before choosing the field of "Finance and Credit" among other specialties ̆ INEM. And so, studying in the fourth year, when after a successful interview I got the position of accountant, I realized that I made 100% correct ̆ choice. After all, the Department of Finance trains specialists of general profile who have excellent analytical skills, thorough knowledge of a wide range of disciplines, are well versed in the specifics of work and financial reporting of not only enterprises but also banks and insurance companies. Future ̆ a graduate of the Department of Finance has excellent knowledge of financial analysis, tax law, accounting, securities market and financial services, banking and insurance companies ̆. We should not forget about the large number of different areas and complexity of laboratory work, after which students of the department become just a "guru" of Excel, which in our time is so valued by employers. Yes, when I started working, I had no experience as an accountant, but thanks to four years of study I was "on you" with the financial statements of the company, perfectly understood the essence of each balance sheet item and could analyze the consequences of changes. I did not need to learn the tax code from scratch, because the Department of Finance has excellent teachers (tax collectors in the past) who are easy and accessible, and on specific examples, teach the basics of tax accounting and the mechanism of calculation and payment of taxes. It is worth noting that due to my knowledge of insurance business, I was later instructed to draw up motor third -party cars and CASCO contracts for company cars. Surprisingly, the skills acquired in the discipline of "banking system" were extremely useful in the work of an accountant, namely the ability to calculate which of the various bank deposits will bring more profit, or which of the loans is more profitable for the company. Having been working for a year and studying for a master's degree at the same time, I can assure you that it is quite possible to combine work with inpatient education. After all, without exception, all teachers of the Department of Finance are very loyal to employees, trying to give interesting and useful individual tasks that are directly related to the current work of the student. If you have any questions or need to consult a teacher on a particular problem - there is no need to constantly say goodbye to work, all necessary questions can be resolved by e -mail. By studying and working at the same time, you will have a unique opportunity to apply new knowledge in practice, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the quality of your work and its value to the company's management. After all, teachers follow the news and changes in current legislation, constantly adapting the lecture outline and practical material so that students always operate only with relevant information. In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to the Department of Finance and all teachers for the knowledge and skills in a wide range of disciplines that help me in my work, for understanding and support, and for teaching us all to think, analyze, think and find solutions to any problem.


Roman Geleta

Finances are my choice!

Hello everybody! My name is Roman Geleta, I have a master's degree in finance and I want to tell you why it's cool! I myself am from the Lviv region, and I chose the economic direction in the 10th grade, when I entered the Drohobych pedagogical lyceum. He graduated with a gold medal, successfully passed the external examination, and entered the Lviv Polytechnic National University. In fact, at first, I didn't quite understand what it meant to be a financier, but as I deepened my knowledge, I realized that everyone just wanted to hire a financier. The profession requires a very broad outlook, the financier sees how the economy works in general, and this allows him to think differently - because he is a specialist in all elements of economic life. It may seem that a specialist of such a broad profile should earn a lot… That's how it is! Statistically, this is the highest-paid profession, because it is the financier who can save a company from bankruptcy, and a good financier can even make sure that the company never reaches him. A broad profile gives you the opportunity to work in all financial institutions, and a high level of training will give you the opportunity to work in any country in the world. Personally, I became more interested in insurance, twice went to the Olympiad in this area, where he received the nomination “For deep ̆ analytical ̆ approach to solving practical problems”, and defended his diploma in “Analyzing the effectiveness of the insurance company”. I want to continue working in this field, this love was instilled in me by the teachers of our department. In general, the more I got acquainted with the department and its work, the more I realized that I am exactly where I need to be and I like this training. What is worth mentioning is that economics is changing rapidly and teachers always teach only what is relevant today. The department does a lot to improve students, motivates them to self-development, write research papers, and seeks and organizes new opportunities for students, such as obtaining a double degree abroad, and it is very gratifying. During my studies, I never regretted it, and I understand - I made the right choice. And to all who plan to choose our direction - you choose not only the profession, you choose the whole family of financiers!


Department of Finance through the eyes of third-year students

Studying at the Department of Finance is not only an excellent foundation in the field of finance but also an unforgettable experience that expanded our knowledge and opened new horizons!


Kateryna Cherednichenko (FB-32):

During my studies at the Department of Finance, I gained universal knowledge. The most important thing, in my opinion, is the collection of information and its presentation. These skills can be used in any field.

Aneta Stefanko (FB-31):

I want to thank the teachers for the acquired skills of analyzing information and using it in practical areas, for example, writing theses or scientific papers.

Olga Patskal (FB-31):

I improved my teamwork skills and developed the ability to effectively divide and delegate tasks. In addition, she overcame her fear of speaking in front of others and learned to formulate and present her thoughts, intelligently, and structured.

Tetyana Hrytsyuk (FB-31):

The Department of Finance taught me research skills and allowed me to develop as a person. I discovered new interests and learned independence. But the most valuable thing is people.

Yuriy Oliynyk (FB-31):

Our head of the department, Maria Kostiantynivna, always said that the best skill for a financier is to be able to be good friends with everyone, because first of all, our environment creates you, so it's not for nothing that finance is primarily about relationships.


Volodymyr Kolomiets (FB-31):

Thanks to the Department of finance, we have the opportunity to acquire not only theoretical but also practical knowledge and skills. Practitioners from PrivatBank, Lviv Bank, and Radabank regularly visit us. Also from large audit firms such as PWC. We have the opportunity to gain experience from employees of state authorities and local governments, namely: the Pension Fund, the Treasury, the Tax Service, the Lviv Regional State Administration, and the Lviv City Council.


Maria Malyuska (FB-32):

Their success stories, real cases, and experiences create an atmosphere that inspires you to create your path. This allows us not only to gain knowledge but also the skills to build a successful life.


Victoria Hrynevich (FB-31)

We thank the teachers of the department for investing in us, for never sparing their time and emotions for us!!!

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