International Activity of the Department

Education, lecturing and scientific research within the framework of educational programs are associated with the internationalization of the University activities, primarily due to the possibilities of academic mobility of participants in the educational process in accordance with the Regulations of the SVO LP 02.03. The department is actively developing international activities, as evidenced by the number of agreements on cooperation, internships, training of scientific and pedagogical workers and students.

Summer and winter schools

During July 4-8, 2022, the Department of Finance hosted the International English Summer School "Finance for the Future", which brought together 97 participants (high school students, students and adults) from 4 countries of the world (China, of India, Libya and Ukraine). The head of the international summer school: Head of the Department of Finance, Doctor of Economics, Professor M.K. Bondarchuk.

On 3-7 July 2023, the ll International English-language Summer School Finance for the Future was held, bringing together 175 participants (high school students, undergraduates, graduate students and adults) from 8 countries (USA, India, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Poland, and Ukraine). Head of the International Summer School: Head of the Department of Finance, Doctor of Economics, Professor M.K. Bondarchuk.


Agreements on International Cooperation of the Department (2017-2023).

  1. Diamond FMS (The Netherlands, “Diamond FMS B.V.”). (Agreement № LP-1 on partnership and business cooperation) use of Diamond FMS software in the educational process of the Department of Finance (executor is Mazur A.V.); teaching the academic discipline "Information Systems and Technologies in Finance" (lectures and laboratory classes are conducted by Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Mazur A.V.; laboratory classes - by Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance, Candidate of Economic Science, Didukh O.V.) using Diamond FMS software.; participation of lecturers (Mazur A.V., Didukh O.V.) in the international project Diamond BootCamp, organized by Diamond FMS B.V. (The Netherlands) in partnership with Lviv Polytechnic National University. Sep. 01, 2014.
  2. Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland (Nov. 28, 2017 – Nov. 28, 2022)
  3. DTU Skylab, Symbion, Inkubatoren CPH Kobenhavn K. Universitets Feb. 05, 2020 – Feb. 09, 2020. Discussion of future cooperation between universities with the participation of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Rysin V.V.
  4. Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland (Sep. 01, 2018 – June 30, 2022).
  5. University of Łódź, Poland (Oct. 07, 2019 – Oct. 07, 2024).
  6. Bolesław Markowski Higher School of Commerce in Kielce (Poland), Association for International Integration and Promotion of Business Partnerships, Lviv, an agreement with the aim of establishing friendly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation with the participation of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Bondarchuk M.K. (July 09, 2007).
  7. Italy. Signing of an agreement with the Department of Industrial Engineering of the School of Polytechnics and Basic Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II(L'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) (with the participation of the Head of the Department of Finance M. Bondarchuk) (2023).

Participation of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers of the Department in International Conferences  (2018-2023).

  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev І.V. Johannes Kepler University, Linz (Austria). Oct. 16, 2018  – Oct. 20, 2018. (Participation in the International Scientific Conference "Finance and Accounting in Emerging Markets");
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Mazur A.V. Johannes Kepler University, Linz (Austria).  Oct. 16, 2018  – Oct. 20, 2018 (Participation in the International Scientific Conference "Finance and Accounting in Emerging Markets");
  • Pozniakova О.І. Krakow University of Economics (Poland). Oct. 17, 2018 – Oct. 20, 2018. (Report presentation and participation in the 23rd International Conference “Restructuring Management. Development and Efficiency in Times of Change” at the Krakow University of Economics (organization of a conference in Krynica-Zdrój, Poland).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Horyslavets P.А. Krakow University of Economics (Poland). Oct. 17, 2018 – Oct. 20, 2018. (Report presentation and participation in the 23rd International Conference “Restructuring Management. Development and Efficiency in Times of Change” at the Krakow University of Economics (organization of a conference in Krynica-Zdrój, Poland).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev І.V.  Scientific and Technical Union of Mechanical Engineers, Sofia (Bulgaria). Dec. 07, 2018 – Dec. 16, 2018. (A scientific internship passing and participation with a report at the International Scientific Conference "Industry 4.0").
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Mazur A.V. Scientific and Technical Union of Mechanical Engineers, Sofia (Bulgaria). Dec. 07, 2018 – Dec. 16, 2018. (A scientific internship passing and participation with a report at the International Scientific Conference "Industry 4.0").
    Pozniakova О.І. Higher Technical School in Katowice (Poland).  Sep. 20, 2018 – Sep. 22, 2018. (Report presentation and participation in the International Conference "Information and Innovation Technologies in the XXI Century" Higher Technical School).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev І.V.  University щf Łódź (Poland). May 22, 2019 – May 24, 2019. (Participation in the International Conference).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev І.V. Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Lublin (Poland). June 02, 2019 – June 05, 2019. (participation in the International Conference).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev І.V.  Scientific and Technical Union of Mechanical Engineers, Sofia (Bulgaria). Sep. 09, 2019 – Sep. 15, 2019. (participation in the International Conference).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Bondarchuk M.K. Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Lublin (Poland). June 02, 2019 – June 05, 2019. (Participation in the International Conference).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Horyslavets P.А. Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Lublin (Poland). June 02, 2019 – June 05, 2019. (Participation in the International Conference).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kondrat I.Yu. Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Lublin (Poland). June 02, 2019 – June 05, 2019. (Participation in the International Conference).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kurylo O.B. Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Lublin (Poland). June 02, 2019 – June 05, 2019. (Participation in the International Conference).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Mazur A.V. Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Lublin (Poland). June 02, 2019 – June 05, 20199. (Participation in the International Conference).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences Syniutka N.H. Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Lublin (Poland). June 02, 2019 – June 05, 2019. (Participation in the International Conference).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Chervinska O.S. Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Lublin (Poland). June 02, 2019 – June 05, 2019. (Participation in the International Conference).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Horyslavets P.А. Krakow University of Economics, Krakow (Poland). July 04, 2019 – July 06, 2019. (participation in the International scientific conference "Challenges for the insurance markets of Central and Eastern Europe").
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Horyslavets P.А. Higher Technical School in Katowice (Poland). Sep. 23, 2019 - Sep. 25, 2019. (participation in the International Scientific Conference "The XXI Century Information and Innovative Technologies" and the establishment and development of international cooperation, the exchange of research results and experience in the educational process in the field of the financial market, insurance market, innovative and information technologies).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Lyvdar М.V. University щf Łódź (Poland). May 22, 2019 – May 24, 2019. (Participation in the International Conference).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Khoma І.B. Krakow University of Economics (Poland). July 04, 2019 – July 06, 2019. (Participation with a report in the International Scientific Conference "Challenges for Insurance Markets of Central and Eastern Europe").
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev І.V. Krakow University of Economics (Poland). Nov. 19, 2020 – Nov. 19, 2020. (Remote participation with a report in the International Scientific Conference).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev І.V. Krakow University of Economics (Poland). Dec. 11, 2020 – Dec. 11, 2020. (Remote participation in the International Scientific Conference (Krakow-Lviv-Kyiv)).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Horyslavets P.А. Krakow University of Economics. Nov. 19, 2020 – Nov. 19, 2020. (Remote participation with a report in the International Scientific Conference).
    Pozniakova О. І. Krakow University of Economics. Nov. 19, 2020 – Nov. 19, 2020. (Remote participation with a report in the International Scientific Conference).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences Syniutka N.H. Krakow University of Economics. Nov. 19, 2020 – Nov. 19, 2020. (Remote participation with a report in the International Scientific Conference).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Horyslavets P.А. Krakow University of Economics. Dec. 11, 2020 – Dec. 11, 2020. (Remote participation with a report in the International Scientific Conference (Krakow-Lviv-Kyiv)).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kondrat I.Yu. Krakow University of Economics. Dec. 11, 2020 – Dec. 11, 2020. (Remote participation with a report in the International Scientific Conference (Krakow-Lviv-Kyiv)).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Mazur A.V. Krakow University of Economics. Dec. 11, 2020 – Dec. 11, 2020. (Remote participation with a report in the International Scientific Conference (Krakow-Lviv-Kyiv)).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Poburko O.Ya. Krakow University of Economics. Dec. 11, 2020 – Dec. 11, 2020. (Remote participation with a report in the International Scientific Conference (Krakow-Lviv-Kyiv)).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Rysin V.V. Krakow University of Economics. Dec. 11, 2020 – Dec. 11, 2020. (Remote participation with a report in the International Scientific Conference (Krakow-Lviv-Kyiv)).
    Pozniakova О.І. Krakow University of Economics. Dec. 11, 2020 – Dec. 11, 2020. (Remote participation with a report in the International Scientific Conference (Krakow-Lviv-Kyiv)).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences Syniutka N.H. Krakow University of Economics. Dec. 11, 2020 – Dec. 11, 2020. (Remote participation with a report in the International Scientific Conference (Krakow-Lviv-Kyiv)).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Shevchuk O.O. Krakow University of Economics. Dec. 11, 2020 – Dec. 11, 2020. (Remote participation with a report in the International Scientific Conference (Krakow-Lviv-Kyiv)).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev І.V. Oct. 25, 2023 – Oct. 28, 2023 participation in the 26th International Conference "Restructuring Management. Economy and Entrepreneurship in Crisis" - with a report.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Horyslavets P.А. Oct. 25, 2023 – Oct. 28, 2023 participation in the 26th International Conference "Restructuring Management. Economy and Entrepreneurship in Crisis" - with a report.

Educational and Scientific Projects Implementation (2019-2023).

  1. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Horyslavets P.А. University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia). May 07, 2019 – May 12, 2019. Participation in the work of the joint research project EDUQAS No.586109-EPP-1-2017-1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP.
  2. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Horyslavets P.А. University of Economy, Finance and International Trade (Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan) Feb. 24, 2020 - Feb. 29, 2020. Participation in the work of the joint research project EDUQAS  No.586109-EPP-1-2017-1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP. 
  3. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Horyslavets P.А. Erasmus+ КА2 – potential development. Implementation of Education Quality Assurance system via cooperation of University-Business-Government in HEIs. Oct. 15, 2017 – June 30, 2021.


International Internships (Business Trips, Advanced Training) of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers of the Department (2017-2023).

  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kondrat I.Yu., Pozniakova O.I. Poland. March 01, 2017 – March 04, 2017. (The business trip purpose is defining the topics and preparing a Project proposal for participation in the competition of joint Ukrainian-Polish research projects  with scientists from the Department of Banking,  of Wroclaw University of Economics, (Poland)  "Problems of sustainable development in the context of the functioning of the banking sector in Poland and Ukraine" for its implementation in 2018-2019. On March 2, 2017, a meeting was held with the Vice Dean for International Cooperation of Wroclaw University of Economics Michał Biernacki to clarify the provisions of the Cooperation Agreement on double degree programs for graduate students of Lviv Polytechnic National University and Wroclaw University of Economics. On March 3, 2017   a project proposal for participation in the competition of joint Ukrainian-Polish research projects for implementation in 2018-2019 on "Problems of sustainable development in the context of the functioning of the banking sector in Poland and Ukraine"  was approved together with scientists from the Department of Banking, Faculty of Management, Computer Science and Finance, of Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland),  a detailed project plan was developed, the expected results and a phased implementation plan ware determined.
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev І.V. Scientific and Technical Union of Mechanical Engineers, Sofia (Bulgaria). Dec. 07, 2018 – Dec. 16, 2018. (A scientific internship passing and participation with a report at the International Scientific Conference "Industry 4.0").
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev І.V., Pozniakova O.I.  Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland). April 16, 2018 – May 07, 2018. (The internship results were: 1. It was used in the development of curricula for students enrolled in double degree programs and agreed with the university cooperating in this program. 2. Negotiations were held on the participation of professors of the Wroclaw University of Economics in editorial boards and the composition of reviewers of scientific publications of the Lviv Polytechnic National University).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev І.V. Scientific and Technical Union of Mechanical Engineers, Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria). June 15, 2018 – June 24, 2018. (The business trip results were:  1) A scientific internship passing and participation with a report at the International Scientific Conference "Industry 4.0", June 15–24, 2018; 2) participation with the report “Opportunities of implementation of “Industry 4.0” for development of transport industry in Ukraine” (co-authors were Alieksieiev І.V., Dovhan V.M.) at the International Scientific Conference "Industry 4.0", which was organized by Scientific and Technical Union of Mechanical Engineers of Bulgaria, June18 –21, 2018, Varna).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev І.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Mazur A.V.  Scientific and Technical Union of Mechanical Engineers, Sofia (Bulgaria). Dec. 07, 2018 - Dec. 16, 2018. (Passing a scientific internship and participation with a report at the International Scientific Conference "Industry 4.0", which was an integral part of the planned internship).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Khoma I.B., Bahia Domitia, Rome (Italy). July 27, 2018 – Aug. 3, 2018. (The business trip results were:  1)  participation in the training on the topic "Commercialization of projects and starting a business in the EU (on the example of Poland)"; 2) participation in the training on the topic "Investing in real estate in the EU (on the example of Poland and other EU countries: assessment of financial and legal risks"; 3) participation in the training on the topic: "The main legal and organizational aspects of training and conducting scientific practice in the EU (on the example of Poland) - legalization of documents, apostille, nostrifications, translations, introductory campaign"; 4)  participation in an intensive English for Business course using active communication techniques. The course instructor was Yuliia Khevba (Munich), UFU PhD student, certified translator of English and German, who did a business internship in New York (2017). 5) obtaining a certificate of professional development for participation in all trainings at the IIASC Summer School in Italy (Bahia Domitia) within the framework of the project "Ukrainians support chain", organized by the Institute for International Academic and Scientific Cooperation together with the Polish ADD Foundation).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev І.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Khoma I.B., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Horyslavets P.A., assist. Pozniakova О.І.  Krakow University of Economics (Poland). July 05, 2018 – July 07, 2018. (Participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Financial Ombudsman Institute: Polish Experience and Ways of Its Implementation in Ukraine" and participation in a practical training seminar to improve skills).
    Shyron Yu.O. Company GETBACK S.A., Wroclaw (Poland). July 01, 2018 – July 31, 2018. (Internship within the program «Leopolis for Future»).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Rysin V.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Horyslavets P.A., Pozniakova О.І.  Krakow University of Economics (Poland). Oct. 16, 2019 – Oct. 24, 2019 (Passing an internship, including participation in the 24th International Scientific Conference “Restructuring Management. Innovation and competitiveness in the face of change”).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev I.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Rysin V.V., Pozniakova О.І.  Krakow University of Economics (Poland). Nov. 17, 2019. – Nov. 22, 2019.  (Scientific internship).
    Candidate of Economic Sciences Lashchyk І.І., Candidate of Economic Sciences Kurylo O.B., Candidate of Economic Sciences Chubka O.M. Higher School of Economics, Białystok (Poland). Jan. 11, 2019. – Jan. 25, 2019. (The purpose of the internship was to gain international experience and improve pedagogical and professional-scientific skills in the field of organization and conduct of lectures and practical classes, principles of organization of student research work and performing scientific research).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Lashchyk І.І., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Viblyi P.І. Eastern European Center of the Fundamental Research. March 10, 2020 – March 20, 2020. (Educational and research internship at the Higher School of Social Economics in Przeworsk (Republic of Poland)).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Horyslavets P.A. Higher Technical School in Katowice, Poland. Sep. 21, 2021 – Sep. 27, 2021.  (Scientific internship).
    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Syniutka N.H. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. Sep. 12, 2021 – Oct. 20,  2021. (Scientific research under the Lane Kirkland scholarship program).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kondrat I.Yu., (AGH University of Science and Technology) (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica). January 01, 2022 – May 25, 2022р. (online meeting format),

(scientific internship - studying the experience of organizing symposia, round tables, scientific conferences, experience in adapting educational programs to the needs of customers of educational services and the mechanism of relations with graduates and employers, mastering the project approach to the organization of the educational process.).

  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Horyslavets P.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Syniutka N. H., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Mazur A.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Chubka O.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Skoropad I.S. Sep.14, 2022-Sep.19,2022 (Higher Technical School in Katowice, Poland). The purpose of the internshipis to get acquainted with the material and technical base of the WST University of Technology, the experience of conducting scientific events, the organization of the educational process, the arrangement of a modern library and laboratories, photo studio, workshops, the results of the diversification of WST educational services, the modernization of educational programs, the peculiarities of the grant activity of university teachers and students).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kondrat I.Yu., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kurylo O.B. Higher Technical School in Katowice, Poland).(WST, Katowice, Poland). Nov. 07, 2022- Nov 11, 2022 ( The internship results were:  gaining international experience and improving pedagogical and professional-scientific skills in the field of organizing and conducting lecture-practical classes, principles of organizing student research work and conducting scientific research).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Khoma I.B.  West Finland College (Finland,  Huittinen), Nov.19, 2022р.- Nov. 27, 2022 р.( The internship results were: familiarization with the Finnish education system in the context of international experience and conducting a comparative analysis with the Ukrainian education system and domestic educational programs. And also with a project approach in the organization of the educational process in various Finnish educational institutions, took part in the discussion of educational programs.  
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Mazur A.V. Stanislav Stashits Mining and Metallurgical Academy of AGH., May 15, 2023 – May 19, 2023-  completion of a research internship (approved report).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof., Shkvarchuk L.O. Staropolska High School . July 3, 2023 – July 7, 2023- completion of a research internship (approved report).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev I.V., Academy of Silesia. Sept18,  2023 – Sept 23, 2023 -  completion of a research internship (approved report).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Horyslavets P.А., Academy of Silesia. Sept 18,  2023 – Sept 23, 2023 -  completion of a research internship (approved report).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Bondarchuk M.K. Academy of Silesia. Sept18,  2023 – Sept 23, 2023 -  completion of a research internship (approved report).
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Khoma I.B. Academy of Silesia. Sept18,  2023 – Sept 23, 2023 -  completion of a research internship (approved report).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Poburko О. Ya. Academy of Silesia. Sept 18,  2023 – Sept 23, 2023 -  completion of a research internship (approved report).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Bondarenko L.P. A company engaged in the construction of hydraulic structures. Oct. 23, 2023 – Oct. 27, 2023 –   internship (approved report).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Vivchar O.Y. A company engaged in the construction of hydraulic structures. Oct. 24, 2023 – Oct. 28, 2023 –   internship (approved report).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Moroz N.V. A company engaged in the construction of hydraulic structures. Oct. 24, 2023 – Oct. 28, 2023 –   internship (approved report).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Skoropad I.S. A company engaged in the construction of hydraulic structures. Oct. 24, 2023 – Oct. 28, 2023 –   internship (approved report).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kurylo O. B. A company engaged in the construction of hydraulic structures. Oct. 23, 2023 – Oct. 27, 2023 –   internship (approved report).
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Lashchyk I.I. A company engaged in the construction of hydraulic structures. Oct. 23, 2023 – Oct. 27, 2023 –   internship (approved report).


 International activity of Research and Design Enterprises through participation in public associations. 

  1. Association for Science and Education SPACETIME (Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Bondarchuk M.K., the expert council member);
  2. Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine (international cooperation with Higher Education Institutions) (academicians: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev I.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Bondarchuk М.К.);
  3. National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine (international cooperation with Higher Education Institutions) (academicians: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev I.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Bondarchuk М.К.).


Winners of international competitions of student research papers (2018 - 2021).

  1. Martyniuk D.Ya. and Prokopchuk V.V. – International competition of student research papers "Credit and banking system: history, present and development prospects", I place (2018)
  2. Seletska Т.О. – International competition of student research papers "Credit and banking system: history, present and development prospects", ІІІ place (2019);
  3. Motoria К.V. – VII International competition of student research papers "Credit and banking system: history, present and development prospects" (2020);
  4. Kud А. – International competition of student research "Black Sea Science 2021" (2021); 
  5. Papirnyk S.E. - X International Competition of Student Research Papers "Credit and Banking System: History, Present and Prospects for Development" (March  23, 2023- June 01, 2023, (Internet)) - winner - 2nd place, Second Degree Diploma


Foreign business trips (under the double degree program), internships, scholarship programs for students (2017-2020)).

  1. Rusiian A.V. (International internship within the project "Leopolis for future" in the Company "Mezzanine management Poland Sp. z o.o. ” (Warsaw). undergraduate practice on the topic of master's  Thesis. June 28, 2017 – Oct. 31, 2017). 
  2. Pistun Kh.І. (International internship in the Company Lely international NV (Maassluis, Netherlands), Netherlands (No. 450-1/В-10 dated March 10, 2017). April 01, 2017 – June 30, 2017)). (The winner - 1st place).
  3. Markiv І.V. (International internship in the Company Diamond FMS B.V. Kyiv, Ukraine). (The winner – 2nd place).
  4. Batiuk М.S. (International internship within the project "Leopolis for future" in the Company "KPMG Sp. z o.o." (Warsaw) during the period from July 02,  2018 till Aug. 29, 2018, undergraduate practice on the topic of master’s  Thesis).
  5. Pysmennyi О.V. (International internship within the project "Leopolis for future" in the Company "KPMG Sp. z o.o." (Warsaw) during the period from July 02,  2018 till Aug. 29, 2018, undergraduate practice on the topic of master’s  Thesis).
  6. Vozniak T.S. (International internship within the project "Leopolis for future" in the Company "Nest Bank SA" (Warsaw) during the period from July 02,  2018 till Aug. 29, 2018, undergraduate practice on the topic of master’s  Thesis).
  7. Khoma І.М. (International internship within the project "Leopolis for future" in the Company "Nest Bank SA" (Warsaw) during the period from July 02,  2018 till Aug. 29, 2018, undergraduate practice on the topic of master’s  Thesis). 
  8. Antoshchuk Illia Anatoliiovych (cultural exchange and participation in solo concerts. Concerts, Torrevieja, Valencia, Rojales (Spain). Aug. 28, 2019 – Sep. 10, 2019);
  9. Brenych Viktoriia Mykhailivna (Training under the double degree program. Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy (Poland). Feb. 25, 2019 – April 12, 2019).
  10. Velychko Iryna Ihorivna (Training under the double degree program. Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy (Poland). Feb. 25, 2019 – April 12, 2019).
  11. Huzar Vasyl Ivanovych (Training under the double degree program. Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy (Poland). Sep. 30, 2019 – Dec. 15, 2019).
  12. Dydiv Stepan Ivanovych (Training under the double degree program. Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy (Poland). Feb. 25, 2019 – April 12, 2019).
  13. Kravchuk Polina Yuriivna (Training under the double degree program. Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy (Poland). Feb. 25, 2019 – April 12, 2019).
  14. Mykhalchuk Vladyslav Andriiovych (Training under the double degree program. Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy (Poland). Feb. 25, 2019 – April 12, 2019).
  15. Oliinyk Mariana Volodymyrivna (Training under the double degree program. Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy (Poland). Feb. 25, 2019 – April 12, 2019).
  16. Roskina Anna Yuriivna (Training under the double degree program. Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy (Poland). Feb. 25, 2019 – April 12, 2019).
  17. Ferents Illia Mykolaiovych (Training under the double degree program. Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy (Poland). Sep. 30, 2019 – Dec. 15, 2019).
  18. Pelykh Vladyslav Oleksandrovych (internship  under the agreement on the practice of students No. 427-5-2019 dated March 18, 2019. The Company Martrade Group, (Germany). May 03, 2019 – May 18, 2019).
  19. Velychko Iryna Ihorivna (internship within the project "Leopolis for future" in the Company "Nest Bank SA" (Warsaw). June 28, 2019 – Aug. 25, 2019).
  20. Dokoliasa Anastasiia Tarasivna (Training under the double degree program. Mining and Metallurgical Academy named after S. Stashits. Oct. 02, 2020 – Dec. 25, 2020);
  21. Kokoieiko Olesia Serhiivna (Training under the double degree program. Mining and Metallurgical Academy named after S. Stashits. Oct. 02, 2020 – Dec. 25, 2020);
  22. Huzar Vasyl Ivanovych (Training under the double degree program. Mining and Metallurgical Academy named after S. Stashits. Oct. 02, 2020 – Dec. 25, 2020);
  23. Ferents Illia Mykolaiovych(Training under the double degree program. Mining and Metallurgical Academy named after S. Stashits. Oct. 02, 2020 – Dec. 25, 2020);
  24. Yushchyk Yurii Volodymyrovych (Remote participation with report in the International Scientific Conference (Krakow-Lviv-Kyiv). Krakow University of Economics. Dec. 11, 2020 – Dec. 11, 2020).
  25. Dokoliasa Anastasiia Tarasivna (Distance training under the double degree program. Mining and Metallurgical Academy named after S. Stashits, Poland. March 01, 2021 – June 05, 2021.
  26.  Kokoieiko Olesia Serhiivna (Distance training under the double degree program. Mining and Metallurgical Academy named after S. Stashits, Poland. March 01, 2021 – June 05, 2021. 
  27. Pahuta Bohdan Bohdanovych (Training under the International Grant Program DAAD). Technical University of Aschaffenburg, Germany. Oct. 03, 2021 – Oct. 15, 2021.


Project applications submitted for grants and scholarships (2017-2023)

  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Poburko O.Ya. “Participatory management of the city in the context of sustainable development. An example of Łódź and Lvov" (for the program "Joint Ukrainian-Polish scientific-research projects for 2018-2019."). Poland, University of Łódź (University of Lodz). Date of submission: April 20, 2017. 
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Alieksieiev І.V. "Problems of sustainable development in the context of the functioning of the banking sector in Poland and Ukraine" (for the program "Joint Ukrainian-Polish scientific-research projects for 2018-2019."). Poland, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu (Wroclaw University of Economics). Date of submission: April 20, 2017. 
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kots O.O. FINCAD Women in Finance Scholarship. FINCAD, Canada. Date of submission: June 29, 2017. 
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kots O.O. FINCAD Women in Finance Scholarship. FINCAD, Canada. Date of submission: June 28, 2018. 
  • Senior Lecturer Pozniakova О.І., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Zhelizniak R.Yo., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Bonetskyi О.О., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Kashchyshyn V.М., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate
  • Professor Kots О.О. Mobility grants for professionals in the education sector. House of Europe. Year of submission: 2019.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Moroz N.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate
  • Professor Lashchyk І.І., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kots О.О., Candidate of Economic
  • Sciences, Associate Professor Bondarenko L.P. «Financial and banking sector transformation: European experience implementing».  Erasmus+ Jean Monnet program. Year of submission: 2020. 
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Shkvarchuk L.О. Slovak AID.  Training for financial managers of the territorial communities. ІНЕМ-3-КГ-2021-22. Year of submission: 2021.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Moroz N.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate
  • Professor Lashchyk І.І., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kots О.О., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Bondarenko L.P. Erasmus+ Jean Monnet program. EU Strategy In Business Financing: Digitalization And Innovations. ІНЕМ-3-КГ-2021-16. Year of submission: 2021. 
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Lashchyk І.І. Training of  scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers of the countries of Eastern Europe. Scholarship Period: March 09, 2021 – April 09, 2021. 
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Viblyi P.I.  Training of  scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers of the countries of Eastern Europe. Scholarship Period: March 09, 2021 – April 09, 2021.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Viblyi P.I., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Lashchyk І.І. Eastern European Center of the Fundamental Researchers (Prague, Czech Republic).Training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers of Eastern European countries. (Year of submission: 2022) 
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kots О.О. European business financing concept: digital aspect. Еразмус+ Jean Monnet program.  Year of submission: 2022. 
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Bondarchuk М.К., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Lyvdar M.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Fedevych L.S. Financial and technological mechanisms of economic sustainability of societies. Global innovation Fund. Year of submission: 2022. 
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Shkvarchuk L.O. Training for financial managers of the territorial communities. Global innovation Fund. Fund. Year of submission: 2022 
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kondrat I.Yu. Entrepreneurship training for war refugees. Global innovation Fund. Year of submission: 2022.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kurylo O.B. The influence of the features and nature of the production process on the choice of the optimal structure and cost management policy of business entities. U4U Universities for Ukraine. Year of submission: 2022. 
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Syniutka N.H. Digitalization of a Fiscal Space in Ukraine. U4U Universities for Ukraine. Year of submission: 2022.
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Khoma I.B.  The International Education Project «East-West». Year of submission: 2022.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Mazur A.V., The impact of the war in Ukraine on sustainable development goals implementing: financing framework. Institute for Human Sciences (IWN) in Viena. Year of submission: 2022.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Mazur A.V., "The role of public assistance and own resources of Ukrainian war migrants' households in covering the costs of their living in Poland" („Rola pomocy publicznej i zasobów własnych gospodarstw domowych ukraińskich migrantów wojennych w pokrywaniu ich kosztów życia w Polsce”). NAWA Urgency Grants Programme. Year of submission: 2022.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Mazur A.V., NAWA Urgency Grants Programme. "The role of public assistance and own resources of Ukrainian war migrants' households in covering the costs of their living in Poland" („Rola pomocy publicznej i zasobów własnych gospodarstw domowych ukraińskich migrantów wojennych w pokrywaniu ich kosztów życia w Polsce”). Year of submission: 2022.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Poburko O. Ya. Financial Literacy for Youth at the Digital Age.  Еразмус+ Jean Monnet program.  Year of submission: 2022.
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Bondarchuk M.K, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Lyvdar M.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Chubka O.M. Global Innovation Fund. Training on designing and setting up a private business. Year of submission: 2023.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Viblyi P.I., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Lashchyk І.І. Eastern European Center of the Fundamental Researchers (Prague, Czech Republic).Training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers of Eastern European countries. Year of submission: 2023.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Urikova O.M. ERASMUS+KA1. Bratyslava University of Technology /Accademic mobility for accademic staff and sudents. Year of submission: 2023.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Syniutka N. H., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Mazur A.V. Global Innovation Fund. Digital tools and agricultural market transformation in Ukraine: financial advancing. Year of submission: 2023.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kots О.О., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Lashchyk I.I., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Moroz N.V.,  Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Bondarenko L.P.   Jean Monnet Modules.  Digital Transformation in Finance: Implementation of EU Experience. Year of submission: 2023. 
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Lyvdar M.V. Program Stypendialny im. Lane'a Kirklanda. Methodological principles of management the financial security of the  state. Year of submission: 2023.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Lyvdar M.V. The Lane Kirkland Scholarship Program. Financial security as a component of economic security of the national economy and its integration into world economic relations. Year of submission: 2023.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Associate Mazur A.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor  Syniutka N.H., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Poburko O. Ya. Jean Monnet Modules. Fintech solutions in rebuilding life for refugees: vision, education & responsibility. Year of submission: 2023.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Moroz N.V. The Lane Kirkland Scholarship Program. Digital transformation in finance: implementation of EU experience. Year of submission: 2023.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Poburko O. Ya. The Lane Kirkland Scholarship Program. Formation of systems for individual investment in commercial real estate as a component of national economic growth. Year of submission: 2023.
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Shkvarchuk L.O. Global Innovation Fund. Creation of a financial and investment simulator. Year of submission: 2023.
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kondrat I.Yu., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Yaroshevych N.B.  Global Innovation Fund. Educational training to improve the social capabilities of local budgets by increasing their revenue capacity. Year of submission: 2023.


Certification of Foreign Languages Knowledge of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers of the Department

  1. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Rysin V.V. (B2 English level) International English Language Testing System, IELTS, British Council. 17UA003087RYSV020A , dated March 15, 2018;
  2. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Lashchyk І.І. (B2 English level), Polonikum Center for Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners, University of Warsaw, Poland. 22-2018
  3. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Viblyi P.I.  (B2 English level), Polonikum Center for Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners, University of Warsaw, Poland. 39-2018
  4. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kots О.О., (B2 English level), Oxford Online Placement Test, Lviv Polytechnic National University. OD 02071010 / 1009-18 dated December 26, 2018;
  5. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kurylo O.B. - German language (B2 level). Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (IFNUL) Institute of Postgraduate Education and Pre-University Training. German Language Center. № 005093 dated 27.01.2020; 
  6. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Bondarenko L.P. (B2 English level), Polonikum Center for Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners, University of Warsaw, Poland. 23-2018.
  7. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Bondarenko L. P., (C1 English level), Oxford Online Placement Test, Lviv Polytechnic National University. OD 02071010 / 100095-20,  dated March 03, 2020;
  8. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Moroz N.V., (C1 English level), Oxford Online Placement Test, Lviv Polytechnic National University. OD 02071010 / 1000647-18,  dated September 12, 2018;
  9. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Lyvdar M.V., (B2 English level), KPNZ "The first Kyiv state courses of foreign languages". N 3132 dated March 13, 2018;
  10. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Chubka O.M. Polish language (B2 level). Regional Social Academy of Sciences, Poland, Krakow. N 5 / 18/19 / k dated November 22, 2018;
  11. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Fedevych L.S. (C1 English level), Oxford Online Placement Test, Lviv Polytechnic National University. OD 02071010 / 0913-18 , dated November 12, 2018;
  12. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Iryna Kondrat (B2 English level), Oxford Online Placement Test, Lviv Polytechnic National University. OD 02071010 / 0603-22, dated June  09, 2022;
  13. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Marta Lyvdar (B2 English level), Cambridge English Level 1, Exam Preparation Centre,  Certificate in ESOL Inernational (First), certificate number 22110774566, dated November 07, 2022.
  14.  Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.е.н.,  Zhelizniak Roman (B2 English level),  Cambridge English Level 1, Exam Preparation Centre,  Certificate in ESOL Inernational (First), certificate number 206UA0011921,  dated February 17, 2022.
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