Another international grant program «Student trip of foreign students to Germany» was implemented at Lviv Polytechnic National University at the Department of Management and International Business. 14 female students from the Institute of Economics and Management, the Institute of Jurisprudence, Psychology and Innovative Education and the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies took part in the program under the leadership of Professor Liana Chernobai, the Department of Management and International Business.
The support of the German partners from the University of Potsdam, the University of Leipzig, the Fraunhofer Institute of Science, the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, the University of Public Administration in the city of Gotha, and the University of Bayreuth, made it possible to receive the grant and spend 12 days in Germany.
The most valuable result was the personal impressions of the participants from their stay in higher education institutions, enterprises and visits to cultural monuments, which can be read in the files attached.
The international grant program meets the goals and objectives of the educational and professional bachelor’s program «International Economic Relations» and the educational and professional master’s program «International Economics» in the field of knowledge 29 «International Relations» specialty 292 «International Economic Relations».
Professor Liana Chernobai, Department of Management and International Business, the manager of the international grant program, is the guarantor of the educational and professional master’s program «International Economcs» in the field of knowledge 29 «International Relations» specialty 292 «International Economic Relations».

1. Візитівка Берліна
2. Європейський дім в Берліні
3. Лекція професора Раше
4. Потсдамський університет, міжнародний відділ
5. Науково-практична лаюораторія Лейпцігського університету
6. Пам’ятник Битві народів
7. Науковий інститут Fraunhofer
8. Електростанція «Kraftwerk Lippendorf»
10. На робочому місці
10. Університет Мартіна Лютера в Галле
11. Лекція кафедри Людських ресурсів та управління бізнесом
12. Зустріч у Вищій школі державного управління в м. Гота
13. Екскурсія Готою
14. Університет Байрота
15. Ермітаж принцеси Вільгельміни