International educational programs and projects

Dear colleagues, in this section, you can get acquainted with the educational opportunities provided by the world's universities, international organizations, and funds for the international academic mobility organization of students and academic staff.

That is why on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine website, you can see proposals from the governments of many countries on training and scientific internships

We invite you to our pages where you can get acquainted with various educational, scientific, cultural, and artistic programs, projects, grants, internships, volunteer activities, etc. 


Instagram: cie.lpnu

Telegram: cie.lpnu

On this page, the Center for International Education provides information about various international educational opportunities for students and academic staff of Lviv Polytechnic National University, information about cooperation with international enterprises and organizations, as well as opportunities to learn foreign languages provided by embassies of leading countries.

The main requirements for candidates are:

  • fluency in written and spoken English or another foreign language;
  • responsible approach to preparing a package of necessary documents in accordance with the requirements of the program and Lviv Polytechnic National University.

The selection of participants is carried out on an open competitive basis:

  • Stage 1 - analysis of motivation letters, CV, learning results, and other documents;
  • Stage 2 - interview and testing.


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