Scholarships and internships in France, The Francophone University Agency (AUF)

Information on scholarship programs and research internships in France is provided by the National Agency for Higher Education in France Campus France:

Ukrainian students and scholars can find this information on the website of Campus France Ukraine: which helps Ukrainian students at all stages of their preparation for studying in France, and provides advice on all issues related to education in France from the development of an educational project to financing your stay in France.


Scholarship study programs and scientific internships in France:

French Government Scholarships -

Every year the Embassy of France in Ukraine announces a competition for scholarships from the French government to study at various master's and Ph.D. programs.


Scholarship programs for studying in France

Financial support for students who have chosen France for higher education is provided not only by the government, regional organizations, and educational institutions but also by various foundations.


Scientific internships

Thanks to numerous scientific internships, the development of French-Ukrainian scientific cooperation is expanding every year. Ph.D. students, young scientists, and experienced professionals can take advantage of the many research opportunities offered by French higher education and research institutions.


Other internships

Internships are usually included in the curriculum of French universities. But Ukrainian students can also join internship programs, even if they study at Ukrainian universities.


The Francophone University Agency (AUF) is an international association that has existed for over 50 years. The AUF unites universities, colleges, university networks, and research centers, spreading the use of French throughout the world. The organization has 884 members in 111 countries. It is one of the largest international associations of higher education and research institutions. AUF implements the resolutions adopted by the Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Francophonie.


AUF’s mission: to promote the solidarity of Francophone universities

Information about AUF:

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