The Visiting Professor Programme (VPP)

The Visiting Professor Programme/Guest Lecturer is a program of admission of highly qualified specialists to the University to carry out educational activities in innovative areas of science, technology, and social development.

A Visiting Professor (VP)/Guest Lecturer (GL) is a specialist in the field of education or science or an expert in a certain field of professional activity who visits or is accepted remotely at Lviv Polytechnic National University and carries out educational activities in full-time, distance or mixed form.

Objectives of the Program:

  • improving the quality of educational activities by attracting leading Ukrainian and foreign experts to lecture;
  • development of academic mobility and cooperation with Ukrainian and foreign universities;
  • familiarization of students and employees of the University with the results of advanced scientific research and modern technologies.

Types of educational activities that may be provided by the Program:

  • teaching disciplines for applicants for higher education by the curriculum;
  • management of qualification and course works (projects) of higher education applicants by the curriculum (as part of the Program activities)
  • giving open lectures for higher education students outside the curriculum;
  • teaching an elective course (EC) for applicants of different levels of higher education and students of advanced training courses outside the curriculum.

Activities under the Program can be combined.

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