Participation of Lviv Polytechnic National University in international educational programs and projects

Lviv Polytechnic National University has taken part in the implementation of several educational projects:

  • TEMPUS is an educational program of the European Union, that aims to modernize the higher education system and create a space for cooperation in EU partner countries through university projects;

  • Erasmus Mundus - international cooperation and mobility program in higher education, which aims to improve the quality of European higher education and promote intercultural understanding through cooperation with countries outside the European Union;

  • Erasmus+KA1 - international academic mobility program for students, graduates, teachers, and other staff of higher education institutions;

  • Erasmus+KA2 - Cooperation projects for the development of innovations and exchange of best practices in higher education, as well as for cooperation between member and partner countries of the Erasmus+ program.

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